
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Favorite Color Swap ~ Sign-ups End 2/28/17

I turn 39 years old on March 24th.
I've decided to celebrate my last year in the 30's by hosting a Favorite Color Swap!
I hope you'll join in!

The Rules:
-Sign-ups will run from now until February 28, 2017.

-You must be willing to send your swap partner a package worth $20 (postage not included).
-The items in the package will be (for the most part) in your partner's favorite color.
-You must send the swap package on or before March 10, 2017 with delivery confirmation.

-Post a picture of your items received on your blog between March 24th and March 30th.
So, are you in?

If so,  please email the following information to me at

-Your Name
-Your mailing address
-Your blog address
-Your favorite color
-Hobbies or interests
-Likes or Dislikes
-Are you willing to ship internationally?

If you have any questions, please let me know.


  1. I'd love to join. I've never done anything like this before but it sounds so fun!! I'll email you!

    1. I'm so excited that you are joining in! Swap are so much fun :)

  2. Love it. I want to play. Sign me up! I love the idea of color swap. Very fun. Please partner me with a U.S. swapper!
    Sounds like fun. And Happy Birthday!

    1. Please email me with your information. So glad you are joining in :)

  3. I would like to join, but I do not have a blog and I wouldn't like to send internationally

    1. That is OK! You don't need to have a blog and don't have to send internationally. Just let me know your preferences and email your information to me :)

  4. I'm in - sounds like so much fun!

  5. I would love to join, but I don't have a blog! Is there anyway this can be done?

    1. You don't have to have a blog :) Just email me your information.

  6. I just noticed your swap on your sidebar and would love to join in with you! I haven't joined in a swap for a while and have been looking out for one. This sounds like a fun theme!

  7. I'd love to swap but I'm in the U.K and don't want to ship internationally let me know if you have anyone I could swap with.


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