
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Family Time ~ BFG ~ 1/17/17

I mentioned in a Happy Homemaker Monday post that we watched BFG as a family a week or so ago.
We had the essentials.  Popcorn.  Twizzlers.  M&M's.  The musts for a family movie night :)
For your viewing pleasure, here is the trailer for BFG:

I must say that there were MANY lough-out-loud moments.  Some of my favorites were the BFG's mannerisms and speech.

However, there were some parts that I would consider scary, especially for younger children. 

For one, Sophie gets snatched out of her bed by a giant.  That could be the stuff of nightmares for some.

Secondly, the mean giants (not BFG) were scary.  They were mean, ugly and just plain scary looking.  Again, could be nightmarish.

I actually kept looking out of the corner of my eye to see how my youngest daughter was handling it.  Of course, she IS almost 10 year old, so it didn't seem to effect her.  (I guess I have to get used to the girls getting older. )

So, it is a cute movie with lots of funny, made-up words that we enjoyed but keep an eye on younger children as they might get scared.

If you've watched BFG, let me know what you thought.  Am I just too over-protective?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. This film is on my must watch list - I love Roald Dahl's writing and think this adaptation, based off the trailer, looks to be adapted to the tone and style of his writing. Glad to hear you had a nice family movie night.

  2. I haven't seen BFG but I've heard folks say similar things to what you did, Colletta, especially that it might be scary for younger children. I remember being terrified of a programme about a giant when I was a kid! I'm really glad you all enjoyed the movie and that you had a fun family night together. Thank you for sharing with us at Hearth and Soul.


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