
Friday, December 30, 2016

Tea Time ~ Christmas and A Baby ~ 12/30/16

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~Our Aunt Sherry got Laken a WonderLoom to make bracelets!  It made me so happy to see the girls working together to figure it out :)

 ~The kids were off of school the Friday before Christmas!  To keep them occupied for a while we went to see SING :)  (Be watching for the review ;)

~Christmas was great this year!  We're all moved in and had a great Christmas morning opening presents before going to Church :)

~My brother got the girls Dog-opoly for Christmas!  We spent the other evening playing and of course, the hubby was ruthless and beat us all :)

~I saved the best for last!  My cousin Steph announced on Christmas Eve that she and her husband, Cody, are having a baby!!!  :) :) :)

Image result for stork and baby

 What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. Seeing youngsters doing craft items is so great to see. My daughter and I were talking the other day about how we both would have gone crazy had Hobby Lobby been around when she was growing up.

  2. Sounds like a lovely week of being together! Congrats on the new baby coming to your family.

  3. Your Christmas celebration sounds great! It's great to see the kids enjoying the crafts.

  4. Hi - I am a first time visitor to you blog, but will be back. Sounds like you all had a very happy Christmas! I will enjoy reading your book list and seeing what you like to read. Have a very Happy 2016!

  5. What a lovely week, and what exciting news!! I had not heard of Dogopoly - will have to check it out when my grandson gets a bit older.


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