
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Weigh-In Wednesday ~ 11/9/16

My inspiration:
Commit whatever you do to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3


I did something life-altering Saturday morning at 8:30 am.  At least I hope it will be life-altering...

I joined Weight Watchers.

I've been thinking about it for years and at one point my dr. even suggested it but I balked at the idea.  I don't know why.  I guess I thought I could do it by myself.  But obviously, I can't.

I was so nervous walking into the meeting.  I arrived early (because that is what the WW website said to do) and there were only a few of the workers setting up.  It was probably the best time to get there.  It wasn't overwhelming with people yet and I met the "teacher", Dorothy, and the receptionists, MaryAnn and RuthAnn.

I filled out all my paperwork and weighed in.  Yikes!  (Maybe someday I'll be comfortable telling what my actual weight is (soon to be "was") but not yet.

Dorothy found a long-time member for me to sit by and we chatted until it was time for the meeting.  Soon people began pouring in.  I wondered about them.  How long had they been coming?  What is their success story?  What are their goals?

Soon, the meeting started.  The main focus was "Asking for help".  It was about not being afraid or timid to ask for help from those we are closest to.  A mate, children, parents, co-workers, etc.

I have to say that the Hubby has been very supportive in my decision to start Weight Watchers.  He is even helping me to figure out the point system and went grocery shopping with me.  It made me smile to see him walking down the grocery aisle with the point calculator

 So my question is:  Have you ever joined Weight Watchers or some other weight-loss support group?  If so, did you ask for help and have the support of your loved ones?

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:  Starting weight

Exercise:  Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues - 40 minutes per day walking as suggested by my Profile on WW website.  (It actually suggested 35 minutes but my walking route takes 40 min.)

Tracking:  Doing very well with tracking my food on the WW website.  I'm still learning the SmartPoint system.

Thanks for stopping by!  Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up to  WholeHearted WednesdayR&R, Word Filled Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Ladies Collective,   Party in Your PJs,  The Mommy Club, Works or Me, Wake-Up Wednesday and  Women with IntentionPeaches and Salt, and Fitness Friday.


  1. Good for you! Trusting that this new resolve will be a blessing to you!

    1. It already has been a blessing :) I pray that it continues. I'm going to work hard at it!

  2. Stopping by from Works for Me Wednesday. Congrats on starting your health journey. Nothing will make you feel better than fueling your body right and making it stronger. I have lost 100 pounds and I will tell you that one of the most helpful things for losing weight is having accountability. I think Weight Watchers will be a blessing to you. I wish you the best!

    1. Aww!! Thanks so much! And congrats on YOUR loss!

  3. Congratulations, Colletta! How brave of you. Trying anything new, even when it's good for us can be daunting. I admire you for taking the first steps. Prayers of thanksgiving for your success.

  4. Colletta, just coming by after your lovely comment on my blog.

    I feel proud of any woman who seeks to change her life with her health. It is a battle for me. I've tried exercise and changing the way I eat. I've slimmed down somewhat but haven't lost any weight. My major change is trying to go gluten free because my gut just feels horrible if I have bread etc. I would love it if that encouraged weight loss, but I think my body is at it's new "equilibrium". My favourite book is Fooling the Female Fat Cell by Dr. Debra Waterhouse. It helped me understand how the female body works and why diets can be bad for us. {Not that WW is, but all those fad kind of diets}. I read it years ago but I still remember the principles.

  5. A great website for WW recipes is Several years ago my husband wanted to lose weight and I started cooking almost exclusively from this website. She's got some great recipes. My husband lost (and has kept off) 60 pounds!

  6. Stopping by. Great job for taking charge of your life :) Thanks for sharing. Many of my friends love that program.

  7. Way to go on taking initiative for your future! I have seen many success stories with that tried and true program. I can tell you will be another one if you keep that drive going! And MAJOR kudos to you for starting during this season. You will thrive! Be strong and remember your goals!


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