
Monday, November 7, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 11/7/16

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

 Gorgeously Fall!!!!
And it is light out when I get up!

On my breakfast plate:
SmartOnes Canadian Bacon, Egg and Cheese Muffin
As I look around the house::::
Quiet!  After Laken being sick and home from school all last week, it is good to have her feeling better and in school.  Which means I have the entire day to myself to get some bedding washed after all that sickness!

On today's to do list::::
Wash Bedding.
Schedule Kaylee's ortho appt. (Still haven't)
Order more checks.  (Still haven't)
Bills (Behind on this due to sickness)
Work on Demelza.
Happening this week::::
Monday....Bills, wash bedding, odd and ends chores, work on Demelza.
Tuesday...  Work on Demelza, Dentist Appts for all of us, Ladies Meeting at Church.
Wednesday... Clean, Menu and Grocery List, Baking day with Mom, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday.....Laundry, Work on Demelza.
Friday....Grocery Shopping, No School for the kids (Veteran's Day)
Saturday....Schedule for next week, Bedrooms, Help prepare and serve Veteran's Dinner at Church.

Currently reading::::


My Christmassy books arrived!  I love Christmas.  I love reading.  And I love mail-order bride stories.  Yay!  So far I've read the first novella and it was so sweet!  I'm in the mood for sweet ;)

On the TV::::
After a long week of sickness, we got of the house a bit to take the girls to see "Trolls".

It was such a cute movie with great music.  Here's a little taste:

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Stuffed Shells, Garlic Bread, Green Beans, Apples
Tuesday - Pork Chops, Cheesy Potatoes, Broccoli, Apples
Wednesday - Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, Corn, Peaches, Sugar Free Dessert.
Thursday - Dan's Day (My brother will bring something home, so no cooking!)
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Toast- Breakfast / Cheeseburger Mac- Dinner
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

Granny Squares!  I have a beautiful pile of granny squares that will turn into an afghan for my Aunt Donna.
I'm using Hobby Lobby's I Love This Yarn Stonewash.  It is a gorgeous yarn to work with!
 I have 30 squares completed and only need 5 more.  I only need one more granny of the berry color and I'm cutting it QUITE close on the yarn.  I hope I have enough because 1.)  I really want to get this finished and 2.)  Hobby Lobby is an hour away.  I really don't want to have to drive an hour for just one skein of yarn!  (Who am I kidding?  It would be just one skein coming home with me!)
I'm also still working on Demelza but don't have any new pictures to show you.  I need one more panel and then the center square.  After I get them crocheted, I have some ends to tie in before next Thursday when the joining portion of the CAL comes along.  Hopefully next week, I'll be able to show you what the complete Demelza is going to look like!  So excited!
We'll also be starting a new CAL (Crochet-a-long) on December 1st in the Pippin Crochet Club facebook group.  It will be Bonnie Barker's Holiday Cable Throw which is a free pattern on Ravelry and .  Here's a intro video from Bonnie:

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

"For the Mighty One has done great things for me;
And holy is His name."

Luke 1:49 NASB
Linking up to :What Are You Reading,   Yarn Fanatic, Art of Homemaking, Make Your Home SingGood Morning Monday, Menu Plan Monday , Yarn Along, Keep Calm Craft On, Linky Ladies, Pieces by Polly , Homemaking Linkup, Homesteader Hop.


  1. I'm glad the sickness is over at your house. Your yarn projects look good. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. Glad everyone is healthy again! We have pork chops on our menu this week as well. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Your breakfast (and your whole menu for the week!) sounds good.

    Enjoy your reading and catching up after an illness. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  4. Ugh, sick kids are the worst!

  5. Glad everyone is feeling better!

    I've been using that Hobby Lobby stone wash yarn also and really love it. I love your squares.

    Have a great week.

  6. I like the muted colours of your granny squares, hope you win your game of yardage chicken!

  7. Happy to hear everyone is feeling better, doesn't it feel good to know your getting stuff done or intend to without interruptions. Your granny squares are so pretty, cant wait to see them all together. and the throw in video :::sigh::: I wish I could get the hang of crochet, I just cant get my tension right. I don't think I've ever read a mail order bride book but it looks really good. I'm adding it to my long list of to be read books. I've found so many from all you ladies who participate in the HHM


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