
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Teaser Tuesday ~ Twice Promised and Strand of Deception ~ 10/11/16


My teaser for this week is from:

~"Keeping his eye along the steep ridge above him, Sergeant Bryan Gifford clutched his Sharps carbine next to his hip.  He hunkered among the thickets of scraggly sagebrush, which wouldn't allow much protection from the renegade band of Sioux who bore down on his unit in a surprise attack.  The sagebrush's pungent smell tickled his nose, and its yellow flowers were bright against the brown earth, but he had no time for enjoyment of the surrounding kinnikinnick, the evening star, or the wintergreen that crept over the warm rocks.  For just a moment, he thought of when he'd played soldiers with his two brothers, but this was no game.  This was the real thing, and if he made it out alive, he'd run, not walk, to the nearest train headed to Cheyenne, into the waiting arms of his true love."~


P.S.  I finished "Twice Promised" late last night.  Since I already had this post ready, I decided just to add my newest read, "Strand of Deception", to it.  It is a two-fer!



"The stack of photographs slipped to the floor, splaying across the wood planks like wildflowers over a grassy meadow.  Her hands trembled as tears flowed down her cheeks.  This wasn't real.  This couldn't be happening."


Also linking up to:

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Strands of Deception sounds like it would be more up my street - will need to find out more.

  2. Strand of Deception sounds more up my street too, Emma. Both are great teasers.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  3. Both interesting openings, although the second sounds more like my kind of read. I hope you enjoy!

  4. The second one is more of my kind of read. Enjoy!

  5. Yep, that second book sounds like one for me!

    My TT from PooP

  6. They both sound great. And beautiful covers, but in different ways.

    Mine this week is from a cozy mystery:

  7. Twice Promised looks like something I would enjoy, but Strand of Deception might be a little out there for me.

  8. Both books are very tempting...I love the descriptions in the intro...I felt as though I was hunkered down in that sagebrush. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  9. I'm not sure about Twice Promised, but I do like the sound of Strand of Deception. The teaser you shared has me wanting to know more! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Twice Promised sounds very good. I'd like to read more.

  11. Strand of Deception sounds like a good one. I would keep reading. Enjoy!

  12. That second one sounds like the kind of book I don't want to read but can't put down. I'm adding it to my list. Here's my link:


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