
Friday, October 28, 2016

Tea Time ~ Book Fairs and Tea Cups ~ 11/28/16

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~I "needed" to go to Hobby Lobby this weekend, so the whole family made the 1 hour trip including my cousin's little boy, Dex!  It made me smile to see them all peaceful and sleeping :)

~My walking route with the mountains that cradle our little valley town!  Isn't God's handiwork beautiful ? :)

~Laken carved her pumpkin Tuesday evening!  She's such a ham :)

~I got a new tea cup!  It is Pioneer Woman :)

~The school book fair was this week with family evening on Tuesday!  The top books are Laken's and the bottom are Kaylee's.  You can definitely tell they have different interests :)

What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. A lovely five, the carved pumpkin was a delight and the children sleeping is always a joy. Have a great weekend.

    1. Yes, having them peacefully "together" was a joy!

  2. Lovely things that made you smile! Love that you "had" to go to the craft shop. Your daughters pumpkin is great isn't it. Thank you for being part of Five On Friday, hope you have a great weekend!

    1. A girl has "got" to do what a girl has "got" to do!

  3. Thanks for sharing your Five! I used to love going to those bookfairs when my children were little. I helped run them at one point. The kids look really relaxed in the car. Brave of you to take them to Hobby Lobby!

  4. Hobby Lobby an hour away! Oh, that would be hard. That's one of my favorite stores. That is a beautiful walking route. Laken did a good job on her pumpkin! I always loved book fairs, and my boys did too when they were younger. My oldest probably still would.

    (For some reason the comment thingy is not letting me comment from my Wordpress blog, though it has a Wordpress option. It will only accept my Google account, which does link to my blog, but it's at

    1. Yes, an HOUR! Needless to say I'm in the store a very long time before finally deciding on what to buy :) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I love going to Hobby Lobby. My store is only 30 minutes away (when there is no traffic). And I always come home with things I hadn't planned on buying. I hope your excursion was more disciplined than I tend to be. . . . . The photo of your sleeping kiddos is cute. I LOVE sleeping in the car.

    Cute tea cup. I didn't realize that Pioneer woman had a line. I will have to check that out as I am a tea cuo (and mug) collector.

    Spending time with my friend Marsha made me smile this week.

    Have a great week!

  6. That's a cute jack o lantern and how fun to go to the school book fair. I miss those days!

    Super cute tea cup. I've never heard of the brand Pioneer Woman. I collect mugs from places I visit for the first time.

    I love walking outdoors in the autumn pretty!
    Have a happy weekend!

  7. Always enjoyed school book fairs, kids would get so excited. Great pumpkin

  8. Fun five. That top photo is priceless. Love the carved pumpkin! Well done. Have a good weekend.

  9. Your walking route looks lovely. Have a good weekend.

  10. A peaceful visit to Hobby Lobby -- well done! ;) Laken did a great job on her owl pumpkin. I love Pioneer Woman anything! Ha! Can never have too many books. Have a fun week!

  11. Beautiful walking road! God really is an artist! I was going to say that teacup looked like PW and then you stated it. Vanilla chai is a a fave of mine. I remember loving school book fairs.

  12. Hobby Lobby finally made it to my county and it's right next door to Joann's!
    What a beautiful place for you to go walking! You do live in a wonderful place.

  13. Ahhh book fair!! I'm a retired school librarian. Book fairs were always fun for me - although busy!!

    Love your walking trail!

    We don't have PW merch up here yet - I'm hoping it will come as her things are so pretty.

    Hope you're having a great week

  14. Give those kiddies a high five for wearing their seat belts.


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