
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hodgepodge ~ 10/26/16

Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:

1. Besides your very own house, describe a place where you feel most 'at home'?

Right now my brother's house is our home.  We are in the process of selling our house and will be building onto my parent's house next Spring!  I can't wait to get started.
The other place I feel the most "at home" is Church.  I've grown up in the same Church I attend now.  I've been there my whole life and it feels like "home".
2. When did you last 'hit a home run' with something? Explain. 
We have a wonderful fudge recipe that my Mom makes.  I tried to make it 2 Christmases ago and FAILED!!!  A few weeks ago, I decided to give it another try.  NAILED IT!  Home Run, Baby!
3. Tell us about something you love in your house or kitchen that is 'homemade'. 

I love the aprons that I made.  I've also made a few afghans that I kept for our use.
4. 'A man's home is his castle'...which of the world's ten most captivating castles (according to The Travel Channel) would you most like to visit and why-

Mont Saint-Michel (France), Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany), Glamis Castle (Scotland), Windsor Castle (England), Chateu de Chambord (France), Hampton Court Palace (England), Prague Castle (Prague), St. Michael's Mount (England), Leeds Castle (England), and Swallow's Nest (Ukraine)

ALL of them!  I couldn't pick just one but I REALLY want to go to Scotland!
5. What's a recent or upcoming plan or project that's required you do a little homework before getting started? Did the homework cause you to abandon your plan or adjust it in some way?

The "great build" mentioned above has had us doing quite a bit of homework.  It is very exciting but is constantly being adjusted...
6. In your opinion, is homework an unnecessary evil or a valuable practice? Should schools be done with homework? Why or why not? 
Necessary evil!  I love evenings when my girls don't have any homework and we can just relax and have family time.

7. Share a favorite memory of your childhood hometown. 
I still live in my childhood hometown.  One of my favorite memories is going for walks with my Grandmother to get the mail at the Post Office.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

I'm very proud to call our little town home and to be raising my children where I was raised.  I wouldn't want it any other way :)


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  1. Being a retired teacher,I gave homework only as a practice tool and why give 25 math problems when you can give 5 or 10 and still learn the same-is the child still having difficulty or not! Good luck on the 'great build'.

    1. I agree. Sometimes we do need to work on certain skills in the evening to make sure she fully grasps the concept. For the most part our teacher so far have been great with this!

  2. Phew! Another gal who is still living in her childhood hometown. I agree with you, nights with little or no homework are precious indeed.

  3. I never minded homework until I got into high school. But that may have had something to do with attitude. LOL I don't remember my homework taking more than 30 minutes. Same with the lovelies when they were growing up. I love the memory you shared of walking with your grandmother to get the mail. My grandparents were the most special people in my life and I miss them to this very day. :)

    1. I was really missing my grandmother yesterday :(

  4. I love that you make your own aprons, I've done that too. I'm very tall and 'fluffy' so nothing fits in the apron category. Store bought aprons barely tie just under the bust and only come down to my hips...not very useful when covering my party dress! Love the memory of your hometown and walking with your grandmother, priceless! Have a great week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

    1. I love making aprons. All the possibilities and patterns! lol

  5. I can relate to your construction woes and homework : ) The church I grew up in definitely felt like a second home to me too. Hoping to find a new church that feels like home once we're settled here. Enjoy your day!

  6. Enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge today - better late than never! Have a great weekend! - Jessica


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