
Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 10/31/16

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

 Unseasonably warm.   We're supposed to have highs in the 80's this week.  Ugh!

On my breakfast plate:
Slim Fast Shake.
As I look outside my window:::
I see that the garden has been pulled out and cleaned up ready for the next planting season.

As I look around the house::::
Sickness has hit again!  I'm going to try to get Laken into the doctor today to check her ears and throat :(

On today's to do list::::
Call Pediatrician.
  Clean house.
Schedule Kaylee's ortho appt.
Order more checks.
Work on Demelza.
Happening this week::::
Monday....Dr., Clean, work on Demelza.
Tuesday....Me Day, Work on Demelza, watch Poldark and Timeless.
Wednesday... Baking day with Mom, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday.....Menu and grocery list, laundry, work on Demelza (a new part is released).
Friday....Grocery Shopping
Saturday....Schedule for next week, bedrooms, maybe a movie??? .

Currently reading::::


I've been waiting for some Christmas reads to arrive so I was holding out on starting something new.  However, since they didn't arrive before the weekend, I thought I'd go ahead and start it and hopefully my Christmas books will come this week.  I also LOVE this author!

On the TV::::
I have 3 episodes of Poldark to catch up on and also an 2 episodes of "Timeless".

I'm so behind on all my other shows, that I've decided to just give up on them!
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Weiner Winks, French Fries, Peas, Grapes
Tuesday - Pork Chops, Cheesy Potatoes, Green Beans, Apples
Wednesday - Chicken with Stuffing, Corn, Peaches, Apple Cobbler.
Thursday - Dan's Day (My brother will bring something home, so no cooking!)
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Toast- Breakfast / Grilled Cheese, soup- Dinner
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I "FINALLY" finished Steph's Afghan.  I've been working on it off and on since about August.
I made it in the colors of her Living Room.
It has already been gifted and was greatly appreciated :)

The flower pattern is the Primavera Flower from Ravelry.

I don't know why, but I always like to see how they look folded up all nice and neat!
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB
Linking up to :What Are You Reading,   Yarn Fanatic, Art of Homemaking, Make Your Home SingGood Morning Monday, Menu Plan Monday , Yarn Along, Keep Calm Craft On, Linky Ladies, Pieces by Polly , Homemaking Linkup, Homesteader Hop.


  1. Great looking afghan! Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. WOW your afghan turned out beautiful! Have a great week!.

  3. Your blanket is lovely! Hope yesterday was a good start to a good week!

    1. We have a couple of sick kiddos but other than that it was a great day :)

  4. There is just something about this time of year & sickness, I think. Hope everyone starts to feel better soon. Love the afghan! Hope you have a great week!

    1. I hope they start feeling better also! It takes a toll on the mama!

  5. Oh how lovely to make something that you know is going to be loved! And fingers crossed for no more bugs for you - poor kiddos!

    1. I just wish Laken could kick this bug! Thank you for your kind words :)

  6. What a lovely afghan! It's such a special gift.

    If you're interested, I'd absolutely love to have you link up at my weekly Yarn Fanatic Party. This week's can be found here:

  7. beautiful afghan, what a lovely gift. I hope Laken is feeling better now :)

  8. Wow That Afghan is beautiful, I love the colors.


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