
Monday, October 17, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 10/17/16

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

 Chilly!  But it is supposed to warm up this week into the 70's again.

On my breakfast plate:
Slim Fast Shake.
As I look outside my window:::
I see my van and am reminded that it left me with a dead battery yesterday!  Apparently there is a short in the wiring to the lights and they weren't going completely off when I shut the van off.  What a pain!
As I look around the house::::
I've changed up my laundry days from Monday to Thursday.  So I don't see a pile of clothes that need washed!  Yay!

On today's to do list::::
  Clean house.
Happening this week::::
Monday....Clean, work on Demelza, watch Poldark.
Tuesday....Me Day, Work on Demelza.
Wednesday... Baking day with Mom, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday.....Menu and grocery list, laundry, work on Demelza .
Friday....Grocery Shopping
Saturday....Schedule for next week, bedrooms.

Currently reading::::


This is the first book in the "Full Circle" series.  I just started it and so far it is a bit slow moving.  I'm hoping that it picks up soon.  Maybe I'm just used to the "Justice Seeker" series where it was action from page 1.  I'm planning on giving a fair shake though because I have the whole series on my shelf.  Here's hoping that I love them all!

On the TV today::::
Poldark wasn't on PBS last week because they aired the debate.  I mean, seriously, if I wanted to watch the debate I would tune into the channel it was airing on.  I WANTED to watch POLDARK!
I watched a few episode of Heart of Dixie on Netflix.
I also started watching a new show that we DVR'd called "Timeless".  I've watched the first 2 episodes and really like it.  But then again, I LOVE history. 
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Cheesy Potatoes and Smoked Sausage, Corn.
Tuesday - Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Soup
Wednesday - Ham, Fried Potatoes, Broccoli, Pecan Pie Bars
Thursday - Dan's Day (My brother will bring something home, so no cooking!)
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Scrambled Eggs with Cheese, bacon, toast
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment:::: 
I have 3 out of 4 blocks completed for Part 4 of the Demelza CAL.  I'm hoping to finish up the fourth today after cleaning the house.  Hope I get time!  I really love the center flower :)

Here are all four components of Demelza so far.  Please excuse all those ends that still need to be tied in.  I'm hoping to get them done before Part 5 of the CAL comes out this Thursday.

  BTW, this CAL is going on in the Pippin Crochet Club group on facebook.  Come join us!
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer."

Psalm 19:14 NASB
Linking up to :What Are You Reading,  Art of Homemaking, Make Your Home SingMenu Plan Monday , Yarn Along, Keep Calm Craft On, Linky Ladies, Pieces by Polly , Homemaking Linkup, Homesteader Hop.


  1. I am curious about Refuge...and I love how you've planned the week, even the menus (which sound delicious). Hope your car starts! I love the crocheted goodies.


  2. Sounds like you are quite organized. I like your crochet project. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your crochet project. This just might make me come over to the crochet-side. I am more of a knitter.

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your crochet project. This just might make me come over to the crochet-side. I am more of a knitter.

  5. It's looking lovely, and I'm sorry you missed Poldark - the second season is definitely worth waiting for though!

  6. Hi Colletta!

    I wanted to watch Poldark and never did. I may need to find a way to get the other season and catch up on it. It looks really good! And I've been loving Timeless!

    You're crochet is just beautiful. Blessings on your week. xoxo

  7. beautiful project -thanks forbsharing!

  8. I watched most of the first episode of Timeless and then lost track of when it was on again. I can tell it's going to be one that I hope they add to Netflix sometime in the future so I can watch it all at once. Hope you are having a great week!

  9. Awesome project thanks for sharing. Please come share this at the Homesteader Hop


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