
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Book Review ~ A Heart's Rebellion by Ruth Axtell ~ 10/6/16

Dutiful Jessamine Barry is tired of waiting patiently for a man to decide her future. So even though Lancelot Marfleet, second son of an aristocrat, is taking an interest in her during the London season, she refuses to consider him as a suitor. Instead, she's ready to take fashionable society by storm--and finds a rakish young man all too willing to help her do it.
When things go too far, Jessamine will learn that the man who is faithful through thick and thin is more worthy than the one who speaks pretty words. But will her disgrace keep Lance from reconsidering her as a wife?
And when tragedy strikes and Lance becomes his father's heir and a titled gentleman, will he think she only wants him now because of his title?

My Thoughts:
I love regency romance novels.  I enjoyed the first book in the series and I really wanted to love THIS book.  However, something just fell flat for me.   
I didn't like the characters.  The leading lady was so vain and snobby I couldn't stand it!  The hero was a bit better but was still somewhat wishy-washy, in my opinion.
The action did pick up about 2/3 of the way through but I still found myself skimming over paragraphs and just generally wanting to be done reading the book so I could move on to the next.
This book just wasn't for me.  Not a favorite.
 Thanks for stopping by!  Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up to:  Inspritation2 , Creative Ways,  Share Your Cup;  Grandma IdeasLiteracy Musings and Saturday Situation, Booknificent. Party at My Place


  1. thanks for sharing this review with SYC. I agree, it's hard to fall in love with vain and snobby characters!

  2. I was unimpressed with the synopsis so am not too surprised by your review. I always appreciate an honest review! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on!

  3. The last historical romance I read had some flat characters, too, that were way over-characterized. Better luck next time. Thanks for sharing at the #LMMLinkup.


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