
Monday, September 19, 2016

A Loooonnnngggg Bloggy Break

I've noticed a trend with myself.  I'll blog hot and heavy for a while and then I need a break.

My last bloggy break was about 2-3 months long.  This bloggy break was (unintentionally) about 4-5 months long.  I just lost my blogging creativity, desire and plain old "took a break".

I woke up this morning with my desire back.  I actually had a dream that I was blogging and woke up thinking, "I need to start blogging again".  So here I am.

Lots has changed since I last blogged.  Well, not "a lot" but something pretty big has been taking place.

We moved!

My cousin is buying our house, praise the Lord!  So we've temporarily moved in with my brother.

"The Plan" is to build onto my Mom and Dad's house next spring.  We'll be building an addition so that we can have our own space while still being with my parents to help them take care of the place.  They live out in the country and have a good bit of land to take care of. 

They are in really good health but we are thinking of the future.  It will be beneficial for all, I believe.

I'm excited to once again be a country girl.  We're even talking about getting some chickens!

The hubby is excited to be planning a building project.  All he talks about is lumber and cement and roofing, etc.  He also grew up out-of-town and I think he's looking forward to being able to walk out the door and see wildlife.

Kaylee, the oldest daughter, isn't so happy about being out of town but she will soon have her driver's license and won't be "stranded in the country".  Laken, youngest daughter, is thrilled and would move in with my parents now if we'd let her.

So, lots of packing has occurred.    Lots of sifting, sorting and downsizing, too.  I have no idea how we accumulated so much STUFF!  It feels good to have finally pared down on "things" that we have no need for.  Very liberating!

So, I'm settling in for at least a 6 month wait until things begin with the addition.  Lots of planning to do and permits to get.

Hopefully blogging again will help the time pass quickly.

It is good to be back :)

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand, I have just come back from a break due to life and health issues, but feel ready and on the go againxx


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