
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Book Review ~ Cottage by the Sea by Robin Jones Gunn ~ 2/11/16

A daughter’s gift of time, a father’s silent wish.

Erin Bryce and her best friend, Sharlene, count the day they start their wedding planning business as a very happy day. So much so that they name their company The Happiest Day to reflect the fulfillment of their long-held dream as well as their clients’ longing for a wedding celebration to match the exhilaration of being in love. As a bonus, the two women utilize their business to help Erin’s son Jordan and his fiancée, Sierra, plan a grand wedding.

But the two friends aren’t prepared for the cloud moving in to cover the sunny, successful start of their business. Erin’s father, who lives in a small coastal Oregon community with his brusque, downright odd second wife, Delores, develops a medical problem that puts him in the hospital. Erin responds by rushing from Southern California to her father’s—and oh, yeah, Delores’s—cottage by the sea.

What greets Erin when she arrives sends her tumbling down a bewildering path to a different kind of happiest day. Her journey tosses her through highs and lows of hurt and healing, betrayal and renewal, wrong assumptions righted, and the brightest future one could ever hope for. All just around the corner, at the cottage by the sea.
My Thoughts:
Oh, my!  Where to start with this book?
First, I'll tell you that I read this book and then had a good cry.  It was the first book in ages to make me literally cry.  I could cry now just writing this review!
Robin Jones Gunn is a masterful story teller.
She writes about the last months Erin gets to spend with her father.  It was so moving and emotional.  So wonderfully written.  I just can't say enough!
I usually like to read romances so this book wasn't my usual read.  I've read all of Robin's other books (except for the teen series) so I knew it would be great and picked it up.  I was in no way, shape or form disappointed!
Again, wonderful!
If you've never read Robin Jones Gunn, do so right away!

Linking up to:  Inspritation2 , Creative WaysCreate It Thursday,  Homemaking Linkup , Share Your Cup;  Grandma IdeasLiteracy Musings and Saturday Situation, booknificent, Party at My Place.


  1. It sounds like an excellent read! Thanks for sharing! Visiting from Booknificent Thursdays. Wishing you a blessed week. Tina from Amanda's Books and More

  2. I will have to check into this book. Thank you for sharing it on SYC. Jo

  3. This sounds like a book I would enjoy! Thanks for the review!

  4. I've read many of her books. Always keeps me on my toes. I've found some great book review linkups you might be interested in. Thanks for sharing this on my party. Lovely to see you again.

  5. It sounds like a very good book. I don't find nearly the time to read that I use to. Need to make time, I think! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  6. Sounds like a good book to sit down and enjoy on a cold winter day.

  7. Sounds like a good book to sit down and enjoy on a cold winter day.

  8. I am reading a "heavy" book right now and need something light so I'm going to look this one up.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  9. This sounds like a book I would love to read. I have actually never heard of this author so will have to look her up and start reading. That is when I finish some of the books I'm already reading. LOL Blessings! I'm visiting from #LMMLinkup!

  10. Hi thanks again for linking up at the #LMMLinkup. :)

  11. This sounds like a wonderful book. I don't think I've read anything by this author before. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on this week!

  12. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing!


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