
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Workout Wednesday ~ Week 5 ~ 1/27/16

(graphic found on google)
My inspiration:
Commit whatever you do to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3


I hope everyone has gotten dug out of the snow that we got pounded with here on the East coast!  Luckily it didn't effect our gym days :)


Last week Doug was working night shift.  He was a trooper on Monday and went to the gym after getting home.  By Wednesday morning he was wearing down.  He crashed on the bed before I had time to say anything to him about going to workout.  He was just so tired!  I decided to still go to the gym.  I don't think Doug even heard me tell him goodbye!  I was feeling energetic and got 7 miles in!  7 miles in one day!  That is a record for me.  Two of the miles were on the treadmill and the other 5 were on the bike.  I was pumped but it wore me out for the rest of the day :)


Friday, we knew that the snowstorm was headed our way.  As soon as we got the girls off to school, we headed straight for the gym.  We were a little rushed because we still had to stop at the store for a few items and the girls were getting out of school early due to the storm.  Hence, I only got 4 miles in.  One on the treadmill and 3 on the bike.

This week Doug is working 2nd shift, so he is much more rested in the morning.  Monday, we got the girls off to school and headed to the gym first thing.  I decided that 7 miles wore me out a little too much at this point, so I went back to my routine of 5 miles for now.  Two miles on the treadmill and 3 on the bike.


Maybe someday I'll be brave and hit the weights with Doug.  Right now, he's been warming up on the treadmill for about a mile and then lifting the rest of the time.

I'm trying to change my attitude about trying to get healthier.  I'm working on thinking about the big picture and long term goals rather than burning myself out and then getting nowhere at all.

It is about staying committed and being in it for the long haul.  (And sometimes it does feel like a haul!)

My week's stats:

Miles:  17
Total Miles:  71

Thanks for stopping by!  Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up to  WholeHearted WednesdayR&R, Word Filled Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Ladies Collective,   Party in Your PJs,  The Mommy Club, Works or Me, Wake-Up Wednesday and  Women with Intention, and Fitness Friday.


  1. Great job sticking with your workouts even with all the snow you got!!!

    1. Check out my most recent blog post at It's about my progress with eating healthy and workouts, along with a fun/healthy give away!! :)

  2. Great job! I haven't been a member of a gym for awhile but I know it'd be harder for me to keep up with my workouts if I had to leave home! I love using YouTube videos and running when the weather allows. Keep up the good work.

  3. Great job!! I am bad at sticking with a workout plan or even working out when I know I should.

  4. Well, I guess I have no excuse are truly inspiring!!
    Love watching your progress - keep it up! Thanks for sharing at Coffee & Conversation :-)


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