
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Weigh-In Wednesday ~ Week 3 ~ 1/13/16

My inspiration:
Commit whatever you do to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3


This was another good week!

We made it to the gym on every scheduled day and I even got on my treadmill on one of the off days.  Off day (not at the gym) exercise is one of my goals to work on so I'm pretty happy with getting one in.

Last Wednesday was a hard workout.  I wasn't feeling very perky and was so tired.  I made it through the workout and then crashed when I got home.  I think I slept all afternoon.  I'm not sure if everything was just catching up with me or if I had a touch of something.

Thursday (off day) I got on my treadmill here at home and walked a mile.  Then I did some floor exercises.  Crunches, leg lifts, etc.

Friday I just wasn't feeling it!  I was feeling a bit sore.  I didn't want to workout.  I didn't think I could workout.  But I did!  I got my 5 miles in and felt so much better afterward :)

Monday was the first time we went to the gym after Doug had worked 3rd shift the night before.  He was so tired!  I drove to the gym and he slept.  I got my 5 miles in and felt great.  Doug got his workout in but just didn't have that pep in his step.  He slept the whole way home!  I was so proud of him for sticking it out and putting in the work even though he was tired.  As soon as we got home, he crashed until supper time.

Tuesday (the day I'm writing this post) is technically an off day but I was still hoping to get a little bit of exercise in.  I also do my house cleaning on Tuesday.  Being gone for most of the morning M-W-F squeezes all my other tasks into the remaining time.  I still have the floors to sweep and mop, so I'm just not sure if I'm going to make it on the treadmill.  I really need to exercise first thing in the morning.  I'm ashamed to say that this morning after I took the girls to school, I laid back down instead of hopping on the treadmill.  Now I'm groggy and trudging through my daily tasks.

Food wise, I did really well this week.  I stuck to my food plan except for Saturday evening.  I blame Doug.  He went to the store for milk and came back with chips and dip!  The Steelers were playing in the Wildcard game so we were in the Family Room and I just couldn't resist the chippy-dippy!  I must remember the guilt I felt the next time I'm tempted.

Even with the chips and dip I lost 0.8 pounds.  It doesn't seem like much but I'll take it.  At this point I'm excited with ANY loss.  I need to remember that it isn't ALL about weight loss but also about feeling healthier also.  And I do :)

My week's stats:

Miles:  16
Total Miles:  36

lbs lost: -0.8
Total lost:  -1.0

Thanks for stopping by!  Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up to  WholeHearted WednesdayR&R, Word Filled Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Ladies Collective,   Party in Your PJs,  The Mommy Club, Works or Me, Wake-Up Wednesday and  Women with IntentionWorkout Wednesday and Fitness Friday.


  1. Step by step. That is all we can do. Stay committed & get the job done. Very motivational.

  2. Thanks for being so open about your goals and progress. And yes it is a day to day battle. Good luck in the future !!!

  3. WTG! Every little bit counts and gets you closer to your goal. Keep it up!

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