
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Three Things Thursday ~ Committed to in 2016 ~ 1/7/16
This is  new linkup I found over at Absolute Mommy.  I thought I'd give it a try.
3 Things I'm Committing to in 2016

1.  Reading the Bible through in a year.  I'm going to be doing the Read Thru the Word with Wendy Pope.  I ordered a Chronological Bible that still hasn't been delivered.  I ordered it on 12/17/15 so hopefully it will be here soon because I'm falling behind!
Click to enlarge
2.  Going to the gym at least 3 time a week with the hubby.  We've been very good at sticking to our M-W-F routine.  You can read more about this on my Weigh-in post.
3.  Reading 52 books this year.  I've joined the Reading Challenge so it will keep track of books read.  So far I have one book finished and my second half-way read.
2016 Reading Challenge

What have you committed to doing in 2016?


  1. Good for you on setting goals for this new year! I've wanted to do the 52 books one forever! Maybe I'll take the step this time:) thanks for joining us on the link up:)

  2. I know a lot of people that are setting the goal to read 52 books this year! I think that's amazing. I'm lucky if I can read ONE non-work-related book in a year. You have to share your secret on finding time to read. :) Found you through the link up.


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