
Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 1/4/16

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

Finally wintery!  It is 19F and blowing snow.  So far we only have a dusting of snow but they are calling for more throughout the day.

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Slimfast Shake

As I look outside my window:::
I see the dusting of snow as the light is starting to break through the sky.
Right now I am::::
Typing this post and getting ready to head to the gym with the hubby.  It is our new endeavor and a great way to spend time together.

As I look around the house::::
We took down our Christmas tree and put the decorations away.  It looks a bit bare right now until I get used to things being back to "normal".

On today's to do list::::
  They girls went back to school today.  We just got them sent off.  The hubby goes back to work today but is on 2nd shift this week.  We are heading to the gym first thing this morning.  After I get back, it will be laundry time, devotions, dishes, and finishing up a book that I need to post a review for by tomorrow.  Yikes!

Happening this week::::
Monday.....Gym and Reading
Tuesday....Cleaning Day and Wash Laundry
Wednesday....  Gym and Fold/Put Away Laundry, Prayer Meeting
Thursday.....Laken is cheering at a game in the evening.
Friday....Gym, groceries and playing cards with my Dad
Saturday....Clean Bedrooms and have family time.

Currently reading::::


On the TV today::::

There was a new Hallmark movie on this past Saturday.  I can't remember the name of it but I have it in my DVR.  I plan on watching it when I get the time.

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese
Tuesday - Weiner Winks, French fries
Wednesday - Dinner at my brother's.
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - Out
Saturday - Sausage Gravy and Biscuits
Sunday - Dinner at Church (Not sure what I'm taking yet)

What I am creating at the moment::::

I've strated my blocks for the  BAMCAL 2016.  I'm also still working on my Beautiful Shells Afghan for the Family Room.

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

I'm waiting to receive my chronological Bible so I can read along with Walking with Women Thru the Word with Wendy Pope. I have been watching the videos studies.  Hopefully my Bible will be in the mail today.  I feel like I'm falling behind but I have chosen my Word for the Year:  Commit.

Happy Monday!!!

Linking up to :  Menu Plan Monday


  1. Happy New Year to you!, Alway love reading your post.


  2. I always feel like our living room feels much bigger after putting away the Christmas tree. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Happy New Year! I've always wanted a chronological Bible, please let me know how you like it!

  4. Happy New year! I love your post. Your menu looks good for the week.I hope you had fun at the gym I'll be going on a walk soon with my son before it starts to rain here. You picked a great bible verse. We took are Christmas tree out and decorations down as well. Kinda of miss them.
    I hope you have a great week.

  5. Hubby and I go to the gym together 4 nights a week. :-). Have a great week.

  6. Hubby and I go to the gym together 4 nights a week. :-). Have a great week.


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