
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Weigh-In Wednesday ~ Week 0 ~ 12/23/15

My inspiration:
Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing
it for the Lord and not merely for people.   Colossians 3:23


Well, it is that time of year.  The time to make set new goals and create new lists and use new planners.  That's what I do, anyway.

So, I'm back with Weigh-In Wednesday.  This time it will be a bit different.  This time I'm not going at the "get healthier" goal alone.  Who is my partner you may ask...

The hubby is my partner.

If you knew him, you would be asking yourself:  "WHAT?!?"  He's already as thin as he can be.  This much is true but he has expressed a desire to "get healthier".  He will be turning 50 in just a few short years and says that he is starting to feel his age.  His goal, of course, isn't to lose weight.  In fact, he'd like to gain some bulk.  His main goal is to increase his stamina and strength.

Me?  Well,  I'll be 40 in a few short years and I'd like to be able to live a healthier lifestyle in all areas.  My main goal is to lose weight but I'd also like to increase my stamina and strength.  Not to mention, I'd like to feel better about myself in general and exercising helps.

The Exercise Plan:  This Saturday, the hubby is going to join Planet Fitness where I'm already a member.  Starting Monday, we're setting our goal to go to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  On Tuesday and Thursday, we'll do some kind of exercise at home.

The Meal Plan:  Hubby is going to research what he should be eating and also talk to his dr.  I'm going to increase water and work on portion control and healthy snacking.

The Stats Plan:  I'm not sure yet how much the hubby wants to participate in reporting in, so for now, I'll mainly be reporting my stats.  I'm also going to start completely over at zero.  This is a new endeavor and a new start.  I'm going to go at it with a fresh attitude and a fresh set of stats.

This will all be starting next week, but I wanted to map out the Plan and also ask for your support.  I'd appreciate any feedback or ideas that you might have to help us in our goal to "get healthier".

This week's stats:

Miles:  0
Total Miles:  0

lbs lost: 0
Total lost:  0

Thanks for stopping by!  Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up to  WholeHearted WednesdayR&R, Word Filled Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Ladies Collective,   Party in Your PJs,  The Mommy Club, Works or Me, Wake-Up Wednesday and  Women with IntentionWorkout Wednesday and Fitness Friday.


  1. Clicked very tentatively on this post. . . . I do need the encouragement. Also found encouragement this year by reading Taming the ToDo List by Glynnis Whitwer! Started walking every day after reading it. So thankful!

    1. I'll have to look into that book. It sounds like a good read. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I also am working on me this year! Good luck to you and your hubby. I look forward to seeing your progress. Are you on Instagram? I have found lots of motivation and accountability on there. :)


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