
Friday, November 13, 2015

Tea Time ~ Peanuts & Cookies ~ 11/13/15

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~The girls got there report cards!  They both did extremely well :)

~As a reward for doing so well in school, we went to see the "Peanuts Movie"!  It was so cute :)

~After the movie, we went to Chick-fil-A to redeem a free cookie coupon Laken got for perfect attendance!  So proud of my girl :)

~Laken likes to watch Hallmark movies with me!  We watched "Ice Sculpture Christmas" the other evening :)

~Wednesday was Veteran's Day and the kids were off school!  We made cookies :)

What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. What lovely things from your week! Well done to your girls for doing so well at school! You must all be so very pleased and proud! Thank you for joining Five On Friday. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  2. Such a proud Mum moment, always a good feeling when your children do well at school. Have a great weekend.

  3. Oooh!!! cookies!! I have not made cookies in a LONG time. That needs to change!

  4. Congratulations and good job to your girls for their school work! That's fantastic!

  5. Well done to your girls for their school work. I now need to make cookies. Joan at

  6. I bet the Peanuts movie is going to be good! Love the fact that you made the cookies with the kids when they were out of school.

  7. That looks a great week. Well let's be fair any week with cookies in has to be good :) Have a fab weekend

  8. What fabulous report cards! One of my granddaughters was crying yesterday because she has had straight A's all through school and in 10th grade she got a B. I felt so bad for her but helped her realize there were many worse things. Hopefully she can pull it up for next semester.
    I am looking forward to seeing Peanuts this week. I am addicted to Chick fil a this week. So good! Have a blessed weekend. #FridayFragments

  9. I baked this week but now wNt to mSke cookies. Off to do that now later today. X

  10. Looks like you had a lovely week with your family. Those cookies look so yummy! My little grandson would love the Peanuts movie. Have a great day :)


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