
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Book Review ~ Canary Island Song by Robin Jones Gunn ~ 11/11/15

When Carolyn's grown daughter tells her she needs to "get a life," Carolyn decides it's time to step out of her familiar routine as a single woman in San Francisco and escape to her mother's home in the Canary Islands. Since Carolyn's mother is celebrating her seventieth birthday, the timing of Carolyn's visit makes for a perfect surprise.

The surprise, however, is on Carolyn when she sees Bryan Spencer, her high school summer love. It's been seven years since Carolyn lost her husband, but ever since that tragic day, her life has grown smaller and closed in. The time has come for Carolyn to get her heart back. It takes the gentle affection of her mother and aunts, as well as the ministering beauty and song of the islands to draw Carolyn into the fullness of life. She is nudged along by a Flamenco dance lesson, a defining camel ride and the steady gaze of Bryan's intense blue-gray eyes.

Is it too late for Carolyn to trust Bryan? Can Carolyn believe that Bryan has turned into something more than the wild beach boy who stole her kisses so many years ago on a balmy Canary night?

Carolyn is reminded that Christopher Columbus set sail from the Canary Islands in 1492 on his voyage to discover the New World. Is she ready to set sail from these same islands to discover her new life?
My Thoughts:
I really, really liked this book as I have every one of Robin Jones Gunn's books that I've read in the past.  Robin has such a way of writing that it makes a person feel as if they are there in the setting.  The setting almost becomes a character of the story.
This book takes place, for the most part, in the Canary Islands.  I didn't really know anything about the Canary Islands before reading this book.  I learned so many interesting things as it is a place deep with history.
The main character, Carolyn, was very likable.  She was middle-age with a grown daughter which is different from the books I've read lately where the heroines are 18-22ish.  This brought out a very different outlook and POV.
What I loved most about this book were the relationships between the "Women of the Canaries".  They had such a strong bond with each other and looked out for one another.  I loved the mother/daughter relationships.  It made me think about my relationship with my mother and also with my daughters.  I'm so very blessed to have the best of each.
This is the second book of the "Hideaway" series.  Luckily, I have book 3 on my shelf :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a really good read. I love books that take us out of ourselves and this sounds like one of those. And to be set in an island is a big plus. Thanks for sharing this interesting book.


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