
Thursday, October 22, 2015

In the Kitchen ~ Peanut Butter & Jelly Crescents ~ 10/22/15

This recipe is seriously so simple but these things will fly off the table.  I'm telling you to watch out for your fingers.

I make these crescents for church events a good bit and they are always gone within minutes.

Peanut Butter & Jelly Crescents

Refrigerated Crescent Rolls (however many you are making)
Peanut Butter (creamy or chunky)
Jelly (your favorite kind)

Heat your oven to 350 degrees and line a cookie sheet with Parchment Paper.  You can find it at the grocery store.  It is a life-saver.  I use it with all my cookie baking, etc.

Roll out a crescent and apply a generous amount of peanut butter to the widest end.  Approx. 1 Tablespoon.  Add a dollop of jelly on top the peanut butter.  Approx. 1 teaspoon.

Roll the crescent starting with the widest end and tuck under the edge.

Place the rolled crescent on the parchment paper lined cookie sheet.  Repeat for the number of crescents you are making.

Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown.  Let sit on the stove for 1 minute.

Remove crescents to a wire rack to finish cooling.  (If they make it that far!)

These are REALLY delicious right out of the oven while warm.  They will be disappearing as soon as you turn your back.  At least they do in my house.

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Linking up to:  Full Plate Thursday, Inspritation2 , Creative WaysGrace at Home, Create It Thursday, Your Turn to Shine,   Project Stash  Homemaking Linkup and Home Sweet Home, Share Your Cup;  Grandma Ideas, Think and Make.


  1. Oh they do look yummy. Are crescent rolls puff pasty?. I have never seen them here in England but would love to make some and I have puff pastry in my fridge.

  2. Hmm I never thought to add peanut butter and jelly to crescent rolls.. Will have to try this sometime. Thanks for sharing it with us all. :)

  3. Heaven in a bundle, this looks awesome! Thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great weekend!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

  4. This is one of those things that you ask yourself, "why didn't I think of that?" I bet they are absolutely delicious! Can't wait to try them!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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