
Monday, October 5, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 10/5/15

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
On the weather front:

The sun is finally shining!!!  I can't remember the last sunny day we had :)

On my bedside table:

The Lady's Maid (Prairie Dreams, #1)

On my TV:

We're all caught up on NCIS and Castle.  I'm really not sure what direction Castle is taking or NCIS for that matter.  The next few weeks should be interesting.
On the menu for this week:

Monday  - Meatloaf, buttered potatoes, corn, oranges

Tuesday - Ham, fried potatoes, green beans, apples
Wednesday - Dinner at my brother's house
Thursday - Pork Chops, noodles, peas, grapes

Friday -Pizza Friday!
Saturday - Out!
Sunday -  Not sure yet.

New Recipe I tried or want to try:

 Old Fashioned Applesauce Cake from "Big Book of Country Baking"

On my To Do List:

Clean kitchen, dining room, family room, laundry room and sewing room.
Make Supper
Help with homework

In the craft basket:

African Flowers, Scrappy Granny Stripe

Looking forward to:

Some great reading time this week and some sunshine!

 What I plan on doing for myself this week:

I think I'll paint my toenails.
Lesson learned the past few days:

Kids grow up way too fast :(
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker."  Psalm 95:6

Happy Monday!!!


  1. Kids do grow up fast! It's like suddenly you look and wonder where in the world did the time go! That is how I've been feeling over the last month. :)

    I will have to try making applesauce cake for my kiddos. It sounds yummy and like something they would enjoy.

    I hope you have a great day and week! :)

  2. Kids do grow up fast! It's like suddenly you look and wonder where in the world did the time go! That is how I've been feeling over the last month. :)

    I will have to try making applesauce cake for my kiddos. It sounds yummy and like something they would enjoy.

    I hope you have a great day and week! :)

  3. Meatloaf! Would you believe in my 32 years I have never *gasp* made meat loaf?
    I need a good recipe!
    Yay for sunshine!
    Have a great week!!!

  4. Kids really do grow up so fast, I feel like every blink I take mine are one step closer to leaving home and I'm not sure I'm ready for it yet.

    The cake sounds sooooo good. Have a great week :)


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