
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Teaser Tuesday ~ 9/8/15


Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. 
My teaser for this week is from:

A Time to Love (Quilts of Lancaster County, #1)
~Jenny covered her head and waited for the explosion.  When it didn't come, she cautiously brought her arms down to look over at David.  "We're in the U.S.", he repeated quietly.  "Calm down.  You're safe."~

Page 9

Happy Teaser Tuesday!


  1. Hmmm, does make me wonder why she ducked.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  2. Since I'm a quilter, this book immediately appealed to me. Your Teaser makes me wonder what she has experienced in the past that made her so fearful. I'm adding this book to my TBR list.
    My Tuesday post features Shadow of the Hawk.

  3. Sounds like she comes from somewhere where she was always having to look over her shoulder and be aware of her surroundings. I haven't heard of this series, but I like the teaser you shared.


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