
Monday, September 21, 2015

Make it Monday ~ African Flowers Part 4 ~ 9/21/15

(I'm using the pattern for African Flowers that I found over at  Made in K-Town . ) 
Here's Round 5 from Part 3.

After Round 6, I added a round of yellow to create a border.

I'm going to join the squares in yellow so it will make it a lot easier with the yellow border.

Look at all these ends I have to tie in!  ahhhh!!!!

I have 11 blocks completed.  Only 24 more to go :)

Please leave me a comment with a link so I can return the visit!!


  1. I saw you post on Making Memories. Love to crochet and this looks like something I can get into this winter.

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  2. Oh, this is so pretty. I used to crochet but haven't for many years but this might be a super winter project. I love the colors. Thanks for sharing your creative side.

  3. Lovely crochet squares, really like the vibrant colours!

  4. I need to learn to crochet! All your projects are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays :)


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