
Monday, September 28, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 9/28/15
Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
On the weather front:

Very dull and dreary!  Perfect weather to get things done in the house.

On my bedside table:

Choices of the Heart (The Midwives, #3)

On my TV:

All the new shows!  I'm loving Castle, NCIS, NCIS NOLA, DWTS, and the Voice.  Am I missing any???
On the menu for this week:

Monday  - Chicken and rice, broccoli, grapes

Tuesday - steak, mashed potatoes, corn, apples
Wednesday - Dinner at my brother's house
Thursday - Keilbalsa, Cheesy potatoes, peas, apples

Friday -Pizza Friday!
Saturday - Out!
Sunday -  Mac-n-Cheese and nuggets

New Recipe I tried or want to try:

I want to try "Strawberry Chocolate Bars".  Still haven't made them!

On my To Do List:

Clean kitchen, dining room, family room, laundry room and sewing room.
Make Supper
Help with homework

In the craft basket:

African Flowers, Scrappy Granny Stripe

Looking forward to:

Kaylee has a date for the Homecoming Dance on Saturday.  I can't wait to see her all dressed up :)

 What I plan on doing for myself this week:

Getting my sanctuary (home) cleaned up and situated in a pleasing manner.
Lesson learned the past few days:

Don't take an 8 year old, dress shopping!
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."  Hebrews 4:16

Happy Monday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I have a 9 year old and I feel your pain on the dress shopping! It's the stuff nightmares are made of! Have a great week!


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