
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Book Review ~ A Bride for Keeps by Melissa Jagears ~ 9/16/15



    Everett Cline will never humiliate himself by seeking a mail-order bride. Not again. He's already been jilted by three mail-order brides and figures a wife just isn't in his future. However, a well-meaning neighbor hasn't given up on seeing him settled, so she goes behind his back to bring yet another woman to town for him.

Julia Lockwood has never been anything more than a pretty pawn for her father or a business acquisition for her former fiance. A mail-order marriage in faraway Kansas is a last resort, but she'll do anything to leave her life in Massachusetts and the heartbreak she's experienced there.

Although Everett doesn't see how a beautiful, cultured woman like Julia could be happy sharing his simple life, he could really use a helpmate on his homestead. Determined to prove she's more than just a pretty face, Julia agrees to a marriage in name only. Faced with the harsh realities of life on the prairie and hesitant to explore the tentative feelings growing between them, can Everett and Julia ever let each other in long enough to fall in love?
My Thoughts:

I got my housework done as soon as I could yesterday so that I could sit back and sink into this book.  I read the entire book in one afternoon of non-stop enjoyment!

I love mail-order-bride stories and loved the concept that Everett didn't know his neighbor had sent for one for him.  I thought it had great potential to be intriguing and interesting.

I also love marriage of convenience romances.  I get totally engrossed in reading to find out how they make their way to each other.  Everett and Julia were a tough couple to get together but it all works out in the end :)

I loved the authors writing style.  It was the first book I have read by Melissa Jagears but I definitely hope it won't be the last.

On to the Next Book!

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