
Monday, August 31, 2015

Homemaker Monday ~ 8/31/15
Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
On the weather front:
It was a bit rainy this morning but is supposed to reach the 90's in the next few days.    

On my bedside table:
 Shadows of the Past (Logan Point #1)

On my TV:
I'm finishing up Rizzoli & Isles that I have on my  DVR while crocheting.  Lots of Pirates' baseball games and Steelers' football.
On the menu for this week:

Monday - Chicken pasta, garlic bread, broccoli, grapes
Tuesday - Kielbasa, fried potatoes, peas, apples
Wednesday - Dinner at my brother's house
Thursday -Stuffed shells, grean beans, grapes
Friday -Pizza Friday!
Saturday - leftovers
Sunday - ????

New Recipe I tried or want to try:
I'm going to be baking something on Wednesday but haven't decided what yet.

On my To Do List:

Clean kitchen, dining room, family room, laundry room and sewing room.
Dr. appointment
Make Supper
Help with homework

In the craft basket:

African Flowers, Bree's Granny Stripe

Looking forward to:

Being a SAHM again and all it entails!!  Yay!

 What I plan on doing for myself this week:

I want to spend more time reading for pleasure.
Lesson learned the past few days:

Nothing is set in stone.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

"If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."  John 14:14

Happy Monday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Please tell me about these African Flowers! Anyone who does any kind of knitting or crocheting is awesome in my book (because all I can do is a chain stitch, lol)


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