
Friday, July 17, 2015

Tea Time ~ 5/17/15

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~We took some time this past weekend to make the short trip to Shawnee State Park!  It was so nice to sit beside the lake :)

~We cleaned our bedroom!  It is so nice to have a clean, organized space to relax :)

~I baked!  It had been a while :)

~Watching the Homerun Derby and the All-Star Baseball game!  The hubby and I are big fans :)

~Getting caught up on DVR'd shows!  No MLB on to distract us :)

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!

Linking up with Friendship FridayFriday Fragments, Five on Friday, Show Off Friday, Awesome Life,  Friday Favorites , High Five for Friday and OhHeyFriday


  1. i just got a new single serve tea pot/cup that is everything good in life. i am loving drinking my oprah chai in it!

  2. Something so nice about having a clean bedroom :)

  3. Is that in Kansas? We have been there often, my FIL lives near there. It's always nice to have clean bedrooms!


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