
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hodgepodge ~ 7/15/15

Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:

1.July 15th is National Give Something Away Day.  What can you give away? Will you?

Hugs and Kisses to my family and you bet I will!

2. Do you have a mantra? Please share with the class if you feel comfortable doing so.

"I can do all things through Christ"

3. Who does the grocery shopping in your house? How many times a week do you shop? Do you make a list or pray for inspiration in the produce aisle?

I make a menu and grocery list once a week.  The idea is to only shop one time, but we  always end up having to make a quick trip to the Dollar General for something.

4. Is there a TV show you're embarrassed to say you watch? You're going to tell us what it is, right?

A few years ago I could have said "The Bachelor/Bachelorette" but I don't even watch it any more.  I couldn't stand seeing one person making out with multiple people!  Right now I don't think I watch anything that I would be embarrassed of.

5. A recent article listed fifteen words we should eliminate from our (written) vocabulary in order to sound smarter-

that, went, honestly, absolutely, very, really, amazing, always, never, literally, just, maybe, stuff, things, and irregardless

Of the fifteen, which word is your most overused?

I say "maybe" all the time!  But it is usually in response to my 8 year old's constant wishes.

6. So apparently dying your hair gray (in your youth!) is a thing right now. It's called 'The Granny Hair' trend. Your thoughts?

Personally, I think it is crazy but to each his/her own :)

7. A while back Buzz Feed asked members to share the most beautiful sentence they've read in a piece of literature. A hard thing to narrow down, at least for me, but let's try. What's one of the most beautiful sentences you've ever read in a piece of literature?

“If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.”
Jane Austen, Emma    

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I had to go with an Austen quote.  I just had to!


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  1. Love the Austen quote! Hope you have a great week!

  2. Love Jane Austen. Good quote. Love your mantra too.

  3. Aw! Hugs and kisses! Very sweet...and wonderful for your family! Shhh! I've watched the Bachelorette/Bachelor too. I don't get it. But I'm more for courting...Old fashioned girl I am!

  4. Aw! Hugs and kisses! Very sweet...and wonderful for your family! Shhh! I've watched the Bachelorette/Bachelor too. I don't get it. But I'm more for courting...Old fashioned girl I am!

  5. Here here to hugs and kisses - awesome answer! I'm so with you on the bachelor show, I never liked it and I find it funny how many women actually enjoy watching it.


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