
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Weigh-In Wednesday ~ 4/22/15


Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people.

Colossians 3:23

I haven't done a Weigh-In Wednesday post in a long, long time.  I've still been striving/struggling along with my weight.  I joined Planet Fitness over the winter and was going pretty frequently until about February.

Ah... February.  When my bought with doctor's visits and scans and tests all began.

I was getting sick to the stomach a lot and actually vomiting more than was normal.  My mom finally talked me into going to the doctor and they started looking at my gallbladder.  First was an ultrasound to check for gallstones.  None found.

Next was a HIDA Scan to check my gallbladder function.  It was only functioning at 42%.  I was referred to a surgeon to talk about having the gallbladder removed.  It took a few weeks to get the appointment.

In the meantime, I wasn't going to the gym and I was stress eating (when I wasn't sick).I have been walking outside when able but the stress eating really threw me back. I am.  Recuperating from my surgery that I had on Monday morning and thinking about my plan to get healthy once given the green light.

I think getting back to the gym is key.  I feel so much better when I get a good work-out in and it motivates me to eat healthier also.

Do you have any suggestions that I should add to my plan?

This week's stats:

Miles:  3
Total Miles:  3

lbs lost:  0
Total lost:  17

Thanks for stopping by!  Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. Take care while you recuperate!

  2. I am a stress eater, too. Getting to workouts is absolutely key for me. I was a member of CrossFit for 21 months. Weight lifting definitely helped change the shape of my body. Recently, I stumbled across a studio that has yoga, pilates, and dance. It is so much fun! I guess my advice would be to find a gym or studio that you *LOVE* so that you can be there consistently over a long period of time. In the meantime, walking is great this time of year! ;-) -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. I agree! Liking your workout is key. I enjoy getting to the gym and putting in the time. That way the rest of my day is open. I really need to add in weights also once I'm able to get back at it. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I hope you recover quickly, but don't push too hard. I had my gallbladder out a year and a half ago. I felt pretty good, but tired easily for a couple of weeks. I do best when I seriously track the food. And I agree working out motivates me to eat better. Nice to "meet" you :)

  4. I'm noticing the tiredness. I'm trying to take it easy though with hopping around blogs and crocheting. The hubby won't let me do anything else yet. He's a keeper :)

    Thanks for stopping by and nice to "meet" you too!

  5. Years ago I had gastric bypass surgery. I lost more than 200 pounds. I can tell you that it was not easy at all. No, I did not eat much, still don't and it is almost 10 years later. But I have rolls of skin that look awful. So taking weight off slowly and with diet and exercise is better. I wish I had been strong enough to go that way. I was not, still am not. I am a stress eater too. Only when I eat too much I throw it up and I am so sick. Guess that is a 'good thing' to keep the weight off, but it is not good at all really.
    I admire that you are doing it with diet and exercise. I think you might add a tiny bit of weight lifting to make your arms stronger, start with just a bottle of water in each hand and lift that. Then add to the weight a bit at a time. Don't over do it. Remember you have one body and you must take care of it.
    God bless you on your weight loss journey and in life.

  6. I had my gallbladder removed and it was such a big game changer. I can relate to how badly you felt. I had mine removed three weeks after giving birth (via c-section!) Glad you can finally recuperate!

    You will right back to it in no time! :)

  7. You are so right about exercise! It helps on so many levels, but I'm incredibly inconsistent with it. I had my gallbladder taken out years ago. I still remember the intense pain while they were trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Praying for your quick recovery!

  8. Praise God you are recuperating and I am sure you will feel back to normal in no time. In the meantime take it easy and ease back into your workouts. #wowlinkup

  9. I pray for quick recovery Colletta. I love your thoughts about exercise, though I am not very committed in that.


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