
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ravelry Swap Package!!! 4/28/15

My package came!  My package came!

I belong to a group on Ravelry called "Afghan Swap 2015".  We send three packages total through-out the year, the last of which will contain an afghan.

My partner is Renee.  I've enjoyed chatting with her and getting to know her a bit through Ravelry.  She sent me the first and second package together.  Man, did I make out!

Each package was to contain a handmade object, yarn, a recipe and other knick-knacks as desired.

My favorite color is turquoise and she remembered!  I can't wait to make something out of this yarn!  I love that she sent me a granny square pattern book and a cookie cookbook!  Great ideas for the blog and all ;)

The second bag had more turquoise!  A really cute glass container, ice-creams bowls and a little sunflower kit that I can't wait to try out.

My handmade item is a carry-all.  And it had a ton of things in it, too!

Look at all these goodies!!!

The third package had a little handmade bag, a beautiful fan lots of other fun things.

I love it!!  Thanks so much, Renee!


  1. Thank you for commenting in my blog.
    Wow such nice gifts.
    Have a nice day

  2. got lots of goodies! I am admitting those little silver looking weaving sticks of sorts. Not sure if that is what they are, but they appear to be...I've been wanting to give weaving sticks a try.


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