
Monday, April 13, 2015

Make it Monday ~ Weekend in Stockholm ~ 4/13/15

This February, I was looking for a granny square to make and use up a ton of yarn from my stash.  I saw so many pretty patterns on Ravelry, but something about the "Weekend in Stockholm" really caught my eye.

I started working on it during a week that my husband was working 2nd shift.  The girls were doing there own thing and the hubby wasn't around so I basically crocheted every spare moment after work, dinner and homework.

This was my very first square.  Isn't it pretty?

One square multiplied into a total of 35 squares.  These were my first 16 squares.  I don't think I have any two squares that are exactly the same.

I finished up all 35 squares in a week flat.  Next was joining them together.  I didn't mind this process.  I really enjoyed watching it come together from individual squares to a whole afghan.

I decided to do a granny stripe border with a few of the colors I had a good bit left of.  The only thing I bought for this project was one skein of Aran for the border.

Looking at this picture, I realized that I didn't get a picture of the afghan after I added the final scalloped border in Aran.  It really sets it off!

You can see more about my project on my Ravelry PAGE.

If you stop by, leave me a comment so I can return the visit!!


  1. Wow. So pretty. I don't know how to crochet but have been thinking of getting my Aunt to teach me. What difficulty level would you say this is?

  2. It wasn't very difficult but you have to know the basic stitches before you start. There are amazing youtube videos teaching how to crochet and the different stitches. You should definitely give it a try!

  3. What a bright and happy blanket!! I love it :) Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays this week!

  4. Thanks so much! It made me happy to create it :)

  5. Wow, this is so nice! I love love the colors! Thank you so much for sharing this on Making Memories Mondays! I am so glad that you came!

  6. Beautiful! It is the perfect stash buster :) And the crocheting keeps your hands out of the cookie jar - win-win!


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