
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Family Time ~ Making the Time ~ 4/7/15


I started working full-time last June.
Almost a year.
It has been a struggle managing my time after being a SAHM for 10 years.  So many things went by the wayside.  Including blogging.  For some reason, I felt like I couldn't blog and spend the time with my family the way I "should". 
I miss it.  I miss blogging and writing and taking pictures and documenting our lives.  I miss participating in the link-ups and reading everyone's blog posts.
I have a plan.  A plan to blog yet not get over-zealous and fanatical.  (I have a tendency to do both.)
I hope it works.
In the meantime....  How do you work your blogging into your family time, work time, church events etc?
P.S.  We went camping this Resurrection Weekend and I didn't take a single picture or get a picture of the girls in their Sunday Best.  Shame on me :(

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