
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Family Time ~ Beautiful Saturday Weather ~ 4/28/15

A couple Saturdays ago, it was an absolutely gorgeous day outside.  After getting our housework done, I grabbed the camera and we all went outside to enjoy the weather.

A few of my flowers were in bloom, so I had to capture them.  I knew the 70 degree weather in Pennsylvania in April wouldn't last.  (And it didn't!)

My mom and my cousin's little boy, Dexter, came to spend some time with us.

Laken and Dex had such fun on the swings.  We hadn't gotten the trampoline set back up yet.  You can see the empty shell behind them.  Look at that cheesy smile on Dex's face!

I adore this picture.

They spent some time reading in the sun.  One of my favorite pastimes!

They didn't stay seated for long.  Someone mentioned bikes and that was all it took.  We dug out one of the girls' smaller bikes for Dex to ride.  It has since been spray painted green to be a boy's bike.  You wouldn't recognize it for the Princess bike it once was.

One of the few things Kaylee will come out of her room and into the great outdoors for is bike riding.  She heard we were going and she was off!

Laken loves getting her picture taken and posed graciously for this picture :)

Did you have any of these rare Spring days or does it still seem like winter where you are?  What activities do you like to do outside?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


  1. We haven't had days like this yet. But I know they're coming as all our snow is long gone :) May you have a wonderful spring & summer, enjoying the outdoors with those you love! We were neighbors this morning at Unite. I think this is my 1st time here so, "It's nice to meet you!"

    1. A few days after this we had a snow shower! Thanks for stopping by. I'm on my way to visit!

  2. It is nice when PA warms up!! You are much further south and west than me so maybe it will get warmer sooner. I had a nice visit here!!

  3. What a lovely day you had and the weather looks great, nothing like a bike ride in the sunshine. Blessings

  4. Very nice post, thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop.

  5. You definitely have to take advantage of 70 degree days in April! I live in England and they are pretty rare here too. Love the photographs - looks like you all had a wonderful day. Thank you for sharing with us at the Hearth and Soul hop.


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