
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturday 9 ~ Vacation ~ 5/17/14


Vacation 1982

Click HERE to listen to the song.

1) Do you know how to water ski?

Nope.  I've never even tried.  I think I'd be too chicken!

2) Do you have 2014 vacation plans? 

No major plans, but we do hope to go camping a at least a few times this summer.

3) Do you have a passport?

No.  I've never had a reason to get one.

4) If you took a 7-night cruise, could you completely unplug -- no phone calls, no texts, no internet?
No internet?  How would I check my blog?!?

5) Do you own a travel alarm clock?

My watch has an alarm clock but I don't know how to work it.  Right now it goes off at 2pm everyday and I have no idea why.

6) Though the Go-Gos broke up in 1985, they frequently reunite for live performances. What's the last concert you attended?

It has been quite a while since I've been to a concert.  I think the last one was Kenny Chesney and it was AWESOME!!

7) Their first hit was "Our Lips Are Sealed."  Can you be trusted with a secret? 

I'm good at keeping other people's secrets but not my own.  I fess up to everything!

8) In 1982, when this song was popular, the comedy Tootsie was in theaters. What movie makes you laugh?
This is horrible, but I can't really think of any movie in particular right now!

9) Sam is chewing on a Tums as she composes these questions. What's the last over-the-counter medication that you took? 

My last over-the-counter med would also have been a Tums.  We had breadsticks with sauce the other night and it gave me heartburn.

Happy Saturday!

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  1. I also had trouble thinking of a good comedy movie. I had to go with the only thing that popped into mind.

  2. I don't have many secrets...because I blab most of them...on the blog.

  3. I would LOVE to see Kenny Chesney in concert!

  4. Kenny Chesney is so easy on the eyes! And ears. ;-)

  5. Heartburn is the pits. I get bouts that can last all ruddy night.......I am also the exact same on number 7!

  6. The 2:00 thing is a mystery, isn't it?


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