
Monday, May 5, 2014

Misc. Monday ~ Office Makeover ~ 5/5/14

My office/craft room was overflowing with clutter.  That is no exaggeration.

My husband and I spent some time one evening discussing how we could rearrange and organize the room because I had just reached my breaking point.  I couldn't even walk through the room to get to my bedroom without bumping into things.

It was a cluttered mess of desks, chairs, yarn, fabric, books and anything else that got dumped there.  Even laundry.  It was time to do something.

I wanted to get a "before" picture (even though I was ashamed of the mess) but the dear hubby got up before me and started clearing out the room before I knew what he was doing.  What a guy!

We worked all day at moving around furniture, going through piles of paper and organizing fabric and yarn.  The room looks COMPLETELY different.  It is so much more open and flowing and just FEELS better.

Here are some after pictures:

This shows an overview of my "office" area.  I don't know why it is blurry.

I have a little sitting area.

This is where I compute and blog.

This is my bookshelf/mailing station.

I consolidated my sewing area into this corner.

I love my "new" room!  I couldn't have done it by myself and am so very grateful for my hubby's help and wonderful ideas.  He loves to make me happy :)

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. How wonderful to have a space in which to "create". And how wonderful of your husband to help you to create it! Enjoy your new room!!!

  2. I love it! I especially love the bookshelf/mailing area!


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