
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bookishness ~ 5/15/14

All things bookish!

What I Read:
I didn't finish anything this week :(


What I'm Reading:

Stranded (Alaskan Courage, #3)

When her friend vanishes from a cruise ship, reporter Darcy St. James isn't satisfied with their explanation that she simply left her job of her own accord. Something isn't lining up, and Darcy believes the only way to find the truth is to put herself in Abby's position. Within days, Darcy learns her friend wasn't the only person to disappear mysteriously. Last summer, a woman vanished under almost identical circumstances. 
Gage McKenna has taken a summer-long stint leading adventure excursions for the passengers of various cruise lines that dock for a few days of sightseeing. He's surprised to find Darcy working aboard one of the ships, investigating a troubling report. Something sinister is going on and the deeper they dig the more Gage fears they've only discovered the tip of the iceberg.


What I Received:
Silenced (Alaskan Courage, #4)

A relaxing day of rock climbing takes a disturbing turn when Kayden McKenna's route leads her face to face with a dead climber. Is it a terrible accident or something sinister? When the case is handed to the overburdened sheriff, he turns to Jake Westin. With Jake's past now revealed, he's ready to use his talent for investigation again--but he could never prepare for where the case will take him.Kayden and Jake soon realize that the death was no accident. And worse, it seems the killer is on to them. When strange things begin happening in Yancey, Jake is terrified that once again his world may put someone he loves in danger. But the truth is far worse than he could ever imagine.


What I Can't Wait to Read:

Full Steam AheadWhen Nicole Renard returns home to Galveston from an eastern finishing school, she's stunned to find her father in ill health. Though she loves him, he's only ever focused on what she's "not." Not male. Not married. Not able to run their family business, Renard Shipping.

Vowing to secure a suitable marriage partner, Nicole sets out with the Renard family's greatest treasure: a dagger personally gifted to Nicole's father by the pirate Jean Lafitte. Many believe the legend that the dagger is the source of all Renard Shipping's good fortune, though Nicole is sure her father's work ethic and honorable business practices are the keys to their success. Before she can board the steamer to New Orleans, Nicole finds her father's rivals—the Jenkins brothers—on either side of the gangplank, ready to grab her and steal the dagger. Quickly, she decides to instead travel north, to Liberty, Texas, where she can decide what to do next.

Darius Thornton needs a secretary—someone to help him get his notes in order. Ever since the boiler explosion aboard the "Louisiana," Darius has been a man obsessed. He will do anything to stop even one more steamship disaster. The pretty young socialite who applies for the job baffles him with her knowledge of mathematics and steamships. He decides to take a risk and hire her, but he's determined her attractive face and fancy clothes won't distract him from his important research.

The job offer comes at exactly the right time for Nicole. With what Darius is paying her, she'll be able to afford passage to New Orleans in mere weeks. But Mr. Thornton is so reclusive, so distant, so unusual. He can create complex scientific equations but can't remember to comb his hair. And his experiments are growing more and more dangerous. Still, there are undeniable sparks of attraction between them. But Nicole is leaving soon, and if she marries, it must be to a man who can manage a shipping empire. Darius certainly doesn't fit that description. And the Jenkins brothers have not given up on kidnapping Nicole and seizing the Lafitte dagger for themselves.

Release Date:  6/3/14

Happy Reading!  Make sure you check out my giveaway(s) in the sidebar!

Also linking up to Cozy Reading Spot,  What am I Reading,  Waiting on Wednesday, Stacking the Shelves, and the  Sunday Post :)

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. What a great way to share the books in your life :). I love to read but can never seem to finish anything. I have tons of bookmarked books laying on every flat surface of my house!

  2. I don't believe I have read any of those authors/books. Like your previous commenter, I have tons of books lying around with bookmarks..I start a book, and then another..just never ending. (wink and smiles) Blessings

  3. I didn't finish anything either! I'm determined to finish some books this week. I'm reading a giant 500+ page book at the moment which is slowing my reading down. It's really good though.

    Silenced sounds really good! Love the cover.

    Under The Mountain's STS

  4. Hooray! I'm so pleased to see you're enjoying STRANDED and that SILENCED arrived. Have fun with the McKennas-- can't wait to hear what your thoughts are on Jake and Kayden's story! :)


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