
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WholeHearted Weigh-in Wednesday ~ 4/23/14 ~ Week 2


Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were

 doing it for the Lord and not merely for people.

Colossians 3:23

I mentioned in last week's post that I started the Slim Fast 3-2-1 Plan.  I thought I'd explain it a little bit today.

The 3-2-1 Plan is really very simple.

The 3 stands for 3 snacks.  It can be anything from fruit and veggies, a skinny cow ice-cream, or even a Slim Fast Snack bar that tastes amazingly like a Butterfinger!  (I keep a box of these in my desk at work for hen I need a quick snack).

The 2 stands for 2 shakes.  Right now I have Chocolate Royale and French Vanilla that I alternate.  I use the powder and skim milk to make my shakes.  It is much cheaper than buying the pre-made shakes and I think they taste better also.  I usually drink a Chocolate shake in the morning before heading to work.  When I get home from work around 1:30pm, I drink a French Vanilla shake (it tastes like cake batter!)

The 1 stands for one balanced meal.  I almost always eat my one meal at supper-time.  If I should happen to eat my meal at lunch-time, I just drink a shake in the evening.

Some days I'm hungrier than others but for the most part this plan seems to be working well for me.

Week 2 check-in:

Miles: 11
Total Miles: 16.5

lbs lost: 2.4
Total lost:  5.8

Food Plan:  I stuck to the plan fairly well this week even though we had a big Easter Dinner.  I just used portion control and didn't go overboard.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. May you continue to stay motivated & on the road to health! Thank you for visiting me - I had to visit you back :) Blessings!

  2. Wow - Great job!!! This journey is never easy - but it is best!


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