
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

WholeHearted Wednesday ~ 4/16/14 ~ Week 1


I've been rearranging my blog schedule and trying new things this week.  Maybe it is because Spring has finally sprung and it makes me long for all things new and fresh.

This is my very first WholeHearted Wednesday post.  If you've never visited my blog before, "Welcome!".  If you are a faithful reader, "Thanks for sticking around :)"

In Monday's post, A New Start, I talked a little bit about my new venture to get healthy.  I thought long and hard about posting anything about this subject on my blog.  Do I really want people to know that I'm overweight, out of shape and struggling to do anything about it?

Finally, I decided that I need encouragement and prayers to do this.  To stay motivated and determined in my healthy walk.  That walk is something that I want WHOLEHEARTEDLY.

So, where better to ask for that encouragement and prayer than a WholeHearted Linkup?

Therefore, encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. 
1 Thessalonians 5:11

I'm not sure how I'll format my updates each week.  If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

For this week, I'll just give a bit of a breakdown:

Miles: 5.5
Total Miles: 5.5

lbs lost: 3.4
Total lost:  3.4

Food:  I started the Slim Fast 3-2-1 Plan and have been doing really well on it.  (More on this in the future.)

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Keep at it. You'll feel terrific.
    Please drop by!

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


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