
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Teaser Tuesday ~ 4/29/14

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. 
My teaser for this week is from:

Echoes of Titanic

~Outside of that, she had nothing in her life, nothing else to live for.  Swallowing hard, she had to admit the truth.  She hadn't grown up to be just like Adele.  She'd grown up to be just like Gloria.~

Page  202

Happy Teaser Tuesday!

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. So, who are Adele and Gloria? My teasers this week comes from Royally Lost by Angie Stanton and A Creature of Moonlight by Rebecca Hahn. Happy reading!

  2. Sounds like she's disappointed that she's just like Gloria! I'd like to know more about these characters.
    My Teaser is from A SLIGHT CHANGE OF PLAN.

  3. Very interesting teaser. Sounds like she is dissapointed in herself. Here is my TT

  4. wondering what is the 1 thing that she does have...

    HapPy TT, Coletta! I've 'liked' your fb page and now invite you to my TT - giveaway too =)

  5. Intriguing! It definitely makes me want to find out more about Adele, Gloria and the main character's connection to the Titanic. Good job :)
    And thanks for stopping by my blog

  6. Would like to know how these two women fit into her life.

  7. Yeah, I'm wondering who Adele and Gloria are as well :) Thanks for sharing, Colletta!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  8. Interesting teaser. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  9. I'm intrigued by your teaser. Thanks for stopping by

    Love Bites and Silk

  10. I wonder who Adele and Gloria are and why it matters if she is like them.

  11. I wonder if being like Gloria is a bad thing or a good thing?! Thanks for stopping by my teaser :)

  12. I haven't seen this one before. Looks interesting! Liked your FB page! Here's my teaser -

  13. Interesting teaser! I how you're enjoying the book!

  14. Ooh I want to know who Adele and Gloria are and why Adele would be preferable.

  15. I'm curious as to who the other characters are and whether that's good or bad! great tease!

    Thanx for visiting my TT
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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