
Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday's Musings ~ Easter Break ~ 4/21/14

As many of you might know, I started working part-time at our local college in January.  The great thing about working at a school is getting holidays off.  I was fortunate to have a long Easter Break.  I got off Thursday at 1pm and didn't have to be back at work until Monday at 9am.  I was really looking forward to this down time.  Well, I was mostly looking forward to sleeping in!


The girls still had school on Thursday but Doug (the hubby) and I were both off.  We snapped up the opportunity to have a "Date Day".  After getting the girls to school, we had a relaxing morning before getting ready and heading to town.  We did some shopping, ate lunch out, ran into some friends and hit the "hair cut store".  It was so nice to not have any specific plans and to just be together.

When the girls got home, we went for a walk/ride as a family.  The girls rode their bikes and Doug and I walked.  It was sunny and just a beautiful day to spend together outside.  After supper, I even spent some time out on my swing with my Bible.  I love reading outside and am so glad to finally be having some Spring weather.


Friday we were all off.  The girls slept in so we had a quiet morning.  After they woke up, we had a Easter Egg Hunt for them in the yard.   No matter how old they get, they still love searching for the eggs.  Or maybe they just like those "special eggs" that have money in them.

In the afternoon, we went to Altoona and saw "Rio 2".  It was a sweet movie but I don't think Kaylee was too thrilled.  She's in that in-between stage where she doesn't really appreciate cartoon movies like she used to.  Hopefully, she'll grow to love them again.

We had lunch out at Longhorn Steakhouse where we finally used up some gift cards.  Then we make some stops at K-Mart, Toys-r-Us and of course, Harbor Freight.  Laken and I waited in the van during the Harbor Freight stop.  It just isn't our thing.


In the morning, Laken had T-ball practice.  I love watching the little ones play :)

We colored Easter Eggs in the afternoon and got them all ready for Sunday.  No matter how old the girls get, they love coloring eggs.

Other than that it was a pretty normal Saturday.  It was basically a relaxing, around-the-house kinda day.


Sunday was Easter, of course.  The first thing the girls did was look through their baskets at their goodies.

We went to Sunday School and Church.  After Church we had a fellowship dinner with ham, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, carrot cake and so much more.  It was delicious!

I usually take a Sunday afternoon nap, but I wasn't tired.  Instead, I took a two lap walk around our neighborhood while the girls played.  I came home and read out on the deck.  I finally finished another book!

In the evening, we went to Youth Group for the girls and then Church.

It was a beautiful, sunny day.  Perfect!


We had a great Easter break with a lot of family time and beautiful weather.  I feel well-rested and ready to tackle getting back into our normal routine.

How was your Easter?  Did you do anything fun?  Did you have any time off?  I'd love to know :)


  1. What a beautiful time with your family! Such precious moments that are creating lasting, special memories! Thank you for stopping by my blog. God bless you and your family! :)

  2. I love when my husband has a day off and we can have a "date day." Unrushed time together is always special!
    I'm glad you guys had a great Easter!


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