
Friday, April 25, 2014

High Five for Friday ~ 4/25/14

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Five things that made me smile this week :)


1.  We went to the movies to see Rio 2!  Quality family time :)

2.  It was gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous this week!  Loving this Spring weather :)

3.  I walked 11 miles this past week!  That is the most I have gotten in for a while :)

4.  I was able to sit on my swing and read!  So relaxing :)

5.  I got lovely flowers and a card with money for Administrative Professionals Day!  I love the people I work with :)

What made you smile this week?


  1. Great week:) I made cupcakes with my nephew today and really enjoyed it!

  2. I also received a gift for administrative professionals day - a gift card for Starbucks!


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