
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Movie Review ~ Love Comes Softly


A young woman on her way to a new life in the 1800's suddenly finds herself a widow. Now she must live with a recently widowed young man and his daughter. Can any of them find love again?

Marty Claridge - Catherine Heigl
Clark Davis - Dale Midkiff
Missie Davis - Skye McCole Bartusiak
My Overall Thoughts:

First, I loved Catherine Heigl long before she was "Catherine Heigl".  I remember watching her in a movie called "Wish Upon a Star" as a teen over and over.

Next, you'll be seeing reviews from me for the entire "Love Series" over the next few weeks. A friend of mine has the whole series of movies and I borrowed them from her.  As I get time, I'll watch and review.

Finally,  I loved this movie.  I can't even put into words how sweet and lovely it was.  Such a nice mix-up from Thor!  My heart broke for Marty in the beginning.  My heart soared at the end.

I laughed at Marty trying to make fried chicken from "scratch".  I cried when little Missie was missing her mother.  I was excited as Clark went dashing after Marty.  It was everything I was expecting and hoping for.  What a lovely beginning to my marathon :)

My Favorite Scenes(s):

My favorite scene is hard to pick.  I, of course, loved the fried chicken scene.  I also loved when Clark went to "church".  The hopeless romantic in me adored the Kiss.

Watch This Movie With:

Anyone.  Friends, family, adults, children...

Other Notes:

-  This movie is very sad in some parts.  Watch if you're up for a good cry.

-  I didn't read the book so can't do a comparison.

My Rating:



Have you seen this movie or read the book?  What did you think?

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