
Monday, March 3, 2014

It's Monday! What Am I Reading? ~ 3/3/14


What I read this past week:

Dawn Comes Early (The Brides Of Last Chance Ranch, #1)

Click picture for my review :)


The book I am currently reading is:

Moonlight Masquerade (London Encounters #1)

Lady Celine Wexham seems the model British subject. French by birth but enjoying life in 1813 as a widowed English countess, she is in the unique position of being able to help those in need--or to spy for the notorious Napoleon Bonaparte. 

When Rees Phillips of the British Foreign Office is sent to pose as the countess's butler and discover where her true loyalties lie, he is confident he will uncover the truth. But the longer he is in her fashionable townhouse in London's West End, the more his staunch loyalty to the Crown begins to waver as he falls under Lady Wexham's spell. 

Will he find the proof he needs? And if she is a spy after all, will he do the right thing?


Also hoping to read this week:

A Shore Thing (Otter Bay #2)

Callie Duflay just isn’t like the rest of her family. While they’ve built white collar lives, she prefers getting her hands dirty by working with children and local California causes. When Callie learns that a beloved piece of untouched property in her town of Otter Bay may soon be developed, she confronts the architect assigned to the project.

Gage Mitchell may be an easygoing, eco-friendly professional, but he’s not about to back off this job no matter how cute Callie or her pet pooch, Moondoggy, may be. His reasons and hers are noble—both have a heart for protecting God’s creation, and the truth is these two would be perfect for each other outside of this face-off. But will they ever figure that out?


What are you reading today?

1 comment:

  1. Ooo I have Moonlight Masquerade but haven't read it yet! Hope your enjoying it! :)


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