
Friday, March 14, 2014

Book Review ~ A Shore Thing by Julie Carobini

A Shore Thing (Otter Bay #2)

Title:  "A Shore Thing"
Series:  Otter Bay Book #2
Author:  Julie Carobini
Publisher:  B&H
Publication Date: 7/1/10
Pages:  400

Book Description:

Callie Duflay just isn’t like the rest of her family. While they’ve built white collar lives, she prefers getting her hands dirty by working with children and local California causes. When Callie learns that a beloved piece of untouched property in her town of Otter Bay may soon be developed, she confronts the architect assigned to the project.

Gage Mitchell may be an easygoing, eco-friendly professional, but he’s not about to back off this job no matter how cute Callie or her pet pooch, Moondoggy, may be. His reasons and hers are noble—both have a heart for protecting God’s creation, and the truth is these two would be perfect for each other outside of this face-off. But will they ever figure that out?

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I have mixed feelings about this book.  I enjoyed reading it but didn't necessarily love it.  It took me almost a week to read it due to being so busy so that might have had a lot to do with it.  If I had been able to read it in just a few sittings, I probably would have "felt" it more.

I have to admit, though, that it did make me want to read more.  I just didn't have the time.

A Brief Excerpt:

"From his post on the hill , Gage stopped mid-pace.  He straightened and shaded his eyes with a notebook, the other hand poised in a greeting.  Even at this distance, he could see the scowl forming on her face."

Page  39

The Cover:

Love the cover!  I want to be there right now digging MY toes in the warm sand.  Whine......

Other Notes:

~  This is a nice, clean read.


3/5  It Was OK.

On to the next book,


  1. Thanks for the review, It sounds like a book I might enjoy reading. I really like the cover as well, it reminds me of many family trips to the beach. I can't wait for winter to be over in New England. :)

  2. Sorry to hear that this book wasn't for you. :-/


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