
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Books 'n' Bloggers Swap Show Off ~ 2/5/14

I was so excited to find out that my swap partner was Caroline from Glitter Tart Designs!  It was so much fun interacting with her and becoming friends on to see each other's wish lists.

Yesterday when I checked my mail, I was so excited to see a large package waiting for me.  I knew it had to be from Caroline :)

The contents were ALMOST too pretty to open:

She had decorated everything with ribbons, beautiful butterflies and included a bookmark and a package of tea.  I love tea!

After admiring the packaging for a bit, I could stand the suspense no longer!  I had to open the books.  Here is what sweet Caroline sent me:

1.  The Other Queen by Philippa Gregory
2.  From a Distance by Tamera Alexander
3. Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart

Didn't she do great?!?

Thanks so much to Caroline and the super swap hosts!


  1. Those are fab, and I love how she wrapped them! Thanks for joining us!

  2. It was so sweet of her to spend so much time on the wrapping! And these look like great books!

  3. I'm so glad you like them! It was great swapping with you.


  4. Wow- those are gorgeous! I love the personal detail in the wrapping (and the tea!). The books look great, too!

  5. I LOVE the wrapping! Such care for such great treasures!

  6. That is just beautiful packaging!

  7. What pretty wrapping, and the book selections are fantastic! I want to read Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart!

    Linking from Books 'n' Bloggers Swap,
    Ricki Jill


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