
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Book Review: No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah Maclean ~ 5/5!

No Good Duke Goes Unpunished (The Rules of Scoundrels, #3)

Title:  "No Good Duke Goes Unpunished"
Series:  Rule of Scoundrels Book #3
Author:  Sarah MacLean
Publisher:  Avon
Publication Date:  11/26/13
Pages:  384

Book Description:

A rogue ruined . . .

He is the Killer Duke, accused of murdering Mara Lowe on the eve of her wedding. With no memory of that fateful night, Temple has reigned over the darkest of London’s corners for twelve years, wealthy and powerful, but beyond redemption. Until one night, Mara resurfaces, offering the one thing he’s dreamed of . . . absolution.

A lady returned . . .

Mara planned never to return to the world from which she’d run, but when her brother falls deep into debt at Temple’s exclusive casino, she has no choice but to offer Temple a trade that ends in her returning to society and proving to the world what only she knows . . . that he is no killer.

A scandal revealed . . .

It’s a fine trade, until Temple realizes that the lady—and her past—are more than they seem. It will take every bit of his strength to resist the pull of this mysterious, maddening woman who seems willing to risk everything for honor . . . and to keep from putting himself on the line for love.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I have loved this whole series!  I've loved reading how each of the "Scoundrels" has fallen in love.  Temple was one of my favorite characters throughout the series and I was really hoping he would have a good back-story.  The author didn't fail me.  I loved it!

The very last line in the book is such a cliffhanger!  I am eagerly anticipating Book #4.

A Brief Excerpt:

"She looked down at her skirts.  Smoothed them.  He noticed she wasn't wearing gloves--same as the prior evening.  As in his dream."

Page 55

The Cover:

This cover is gorgeous!  Green, green, green.  The lady just looking back over her shoulder as she runs away.  Beautiful!  The inside cover is gorgeous as well :)

Other Notes:

~This is a  mainstream romance with adult situations and content.
~I do my best to skip over the above-mentioned scenes.


5/5  Absolutely loved it!

On to the next book,

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