
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Book Review ~ Mine Till Midnight by Lisa Kleypas

Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways, #1)

Title:  "Mine Till Midnight"
Series:  The Hathaways Book #1
Author:  Lisa Kleypas
Publisher:  St. Martin's
Publication Date:  10/2/07
Pages:  372

Book Description:

Their lives defy convention.

When an unexpected inheritance elevates her family to the ranks of the aristocracy, Amelia Hathaway discovers that tending to her younger sisters and wayward brother was easy compared to navigating the intricacies of the ton. Even more challenging: the attraction she feels for the tall, dark, and dangerously handsome Cam Rohan.

Their desire consumes them both.

Wealthy beyond most men’s dreams, Cam has tired of society’s petty restrictions and longs to return to his “uncivilized” Gypsy roots. When the delectable Amelia appeals to him for help, he intends to offer only friendship—but intentions are no match for the desire that blindsides them both. But can a man who spurns tradition be tempted into that most time-honored arrangement: marriage? Life in London society is about to get a whole lot hotter…

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

This book was so much fun to read.  Being the first book in a series, I enjoyed learning the characters and their quirks.  And the Hathaway's are full of quirks.

Amelia, it seems I'm on a roll reading books with Amelia's, was very maternal and protective of her siblings.  Her older brother, Leo, had gone off the deep end leaving her in charge of their family.  This family included, Merripen, a very interesting side character that I can't wait to read more about in book #2.

Cam Rohan, half Roma, was a juicy character.  From the street of London to the English Countryside, he can adapt to whatever comes his way.  He does have to make a life-decision though.  Freedom to roam or love.

A Brief Excerpt:

"The Hathaways are outsiders, as well," she said.  "It's obvious we're not suited to a position in polite society.  None of us have the education or breeding to carry it off.  Supper at Stony Creek Manor should be a spectacle--I'm sure it will end with us being tossed out on our ears."

Page 67

The Cover:

The beautiful blue dress on the front is gorgeous.  I don't really know how well it fits the book though.  I like that it isn't overly exposing.  The inside cover gives a bit of a glimpse at how Amelia and Cam look.  Most of the time I like having a face to put with the name/story.

Other Notes:

~This is a  mainstream romance with adult situations and content.
~I do my best to skip over the above-mentioned scenes.


4/5  Really enjoyed it!

On to the next book,

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