
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Teaser Tuesday ~ 1/28/14

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. 
My teaser for this week is from:

The Mistress (Great Chicago Fire Trilogy, #2)

~Under a French gown of emerald silk, Kathleen O'Leary wore homespun bloomers that had seen better days.  She told herself not to worry about what lay beneath her sumptuous costume.  It was what the world saw on the surface that mattered, particularly tonight.~

Page 17

Happy Teaser Tuesday!


  1. Probably not my kind of book but I liked the teaser.

  2. Great teaser! Love the cover. Thanks for stopping by my site. :)

  3. Nice teaser and lovely cover. My teasers this week are from Carousel Sun by Sharon Lee and Cress by Marissa Meyer. Happy reading!

  4. That's a great teaser! I know I'll be reading this :)

    Have a terrific Tuesday!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  5. Great teaser. Her name sounds Irish ;) I wonder is she the Mistress!!!

  6. LOL she shouldn't worry about her knickers unless she is gonna show them off anyway.

  7. I like the teaser but I wonder what homespun bloomers look like - does this mean they are lumpy? If so that I'd be more worried about the discomfort than anything else ;-)

  8. Ha! I love the teaser! I might check this one out!

    trish - my teaser

  9. She seems like a smart lady to me. Nice teaser.
    Thanks for stopping by for TT

    Kay xx

  10. Now that's intriguing and raised my curiosity. Love the cover too.

  11. So it is about appearance and keeping the not so good parts hidden. Interesting!
    Thanks for stopping by :)


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