
Friday, January 3, 2014

Clear Your Shelf Giveaway Hop ~ Ends 1/10/14

This blog hop is hosted by
I am in serious need of clearing my shelves.  So, I thought I'd do a double giveaway this time!  These are books 1 and 2 in a series that will help get you through this winter and start thinking SUMMER!

Up for grabs are the following books:

Sunflower Summer (Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn #2)


Seaside Harmony (Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn #1)

To enter the giveaway:

*Mandatory-  Leave a comment telling me :  Do you keep books after you've read them, or do you pass them on?  What makes a book a "keeper" for you?

*Extra-  Follow my blog and leave a second comment telling me that you do :)

The giveaway will run until 11:59pm EST, January 10, 2014.  The winner will be emailed on January 11th.

For more chances to win great bookishness,
check out these other giveaway hoppers :


  1. I keep some books others I pass on. I like to share books that are good and might encourage someone else. I like to keep some if I really like it and think I'll reread it. Now I have a kindle and can't share as much however will occasionally purchase one for a friend if I know they'll like it.

  2. I've been passing more and more on because I just have too many to read to be able to read them twice. I do keep ones that are in series that I love like Harry Potter.

    ineedadietcoke at aol dot com

  3. I follow you on GFC. ineedadietcoke at aol dot com

  4. I pass my books on to the women in my life (mother in law, sister in law & grandmother) most of the time. I only keep it if I think my kids might read it later.

  5. I'm a GFC follower -- Savings in Seconds
    dedezoomsalot at yahoo dot com

  6. i teach an adult class who have emotional issues in a day treatment program, and i offer the books i have read to them, and donate the books to the retirement center in town, thank you

  7. i follow via email,, thank you

  8. I very rarely keep books after I have read them unless a gift from family or special like the complete books of Wizard of Oz which I love and plan on sharing with my granddaughter when she gets older, so she is not so scared of it. I like to donate books to friends, nursing homes and the like. i.teel (at)sbcglobal(dot) net

  9. I follow email and gfc - Ivan T-

  10. I keep books for quite awhile. I will pass them along or donate somewhere if I decide that the book is not one I will want to reference or reread again in the future. Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. If I love a book I will keep it and read it again. Other books I will donate because I found them boring.


  12. Follow via email


  13. I do tend to pass books on once I read them. I only keep those books I might read again or pass on to my daughter.

  14. Some are keepers and some aren't. Some of them just become dear friends that I have to visit over and over and some I am able to pass on. I used to keep books that were parts of series but as I age and my shelves have overflowed that has stopped. Now I am not exactly sure what makes a book a keep other than something in me says that I want to read it again.

  15. I do keep books after reading them at least twice. Sometimes I pass them on to someone who would take care of them and read them too. A keeper is one that you can identify with or has lessons that you can use for later.

  16. I follow you by email

  17. If I love a book I will keep it and read it again. Other books I will donate or give to family members because I didn't care for them

    s2s2 at Comcast dot net

  18. I have kept every book I've read, and then I was surrounded by 20 boxes. So I can only keep them when I absolutely adore them....or by a favorite author... or a series I like...

    jennirv4967 at gmail dot com

  19. I keep most of the books I enjoy. A couple of times a year I go through the shelves and donate a few to a second hand shop.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  20. I'm a follower.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  21. Do you keep books after you've read them, or do you pass them on?
    Usually, I either sell/trade or give away books after I have read them.

    What makes a book a "keeper" for you?
    I like to keep/collect autographed books.

    bookaholicholly at gmail dot com

  22. I follow on GFC as Holly Letson.

    bookaholicholly at gmail dot com

  23. I'm following on Network Blogs.

    booksintheburbs at gmail dot com

  24. I definitely keep the keepers ;) Those are the ones, where the characters stay with me for days! I also keep the ones that are specifically autographed to me, too! I have to keep those :D

  25. I usually pass my books on when I am done reading them. For me to keep a book it has to be in my heart, not just speak to my heart.
    I follow you by e mail
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  26. I keep mostly non-fiction and pass on the fiction.

  27. I follow your blog via email.

  28. I only keep non-fiction books that pertain to places I've been. Mainly travel books. The rest go.

  29. GFC Follower I trade most of my books on Paperback Swap.

  30. I usually pass them on, unless they are REALLY good and keep to read again

  31. If I like a book at all, I keep it, since I cherish books - we consider books sacred in our home. I re-read almost everything. If a book is something I just did not like at all, I give it away.

  32. I followed your blog via email.

  33. I donate to library or give to family.

  34. I almost always pass them on to friend or donate to a Veterans charity or the library. To keep a book, it must have struck me on a personal level such as fantastic memorable characters.

  35. I really don't have room to store things so I usually donate or pass books along to friends

  36. I keep my favorites. Other than that I have given them to my younger sister and donated to a used book store

  37. I keep some books that I think I might read again but most I give away or donate to the library bookstore.

  38. i keep them. i always reread after a year or two

  39. I keep some. I pass on some to friends.

    Tammy Hudson

  40. I follow with email. Twitter, FB (maybe more)
    I keep those I want to reread and pass on to family members and close fiends. The others, I donate to the duel-county library or keep for giveaway purposes.

  41. I usually pass books on, unless they are by a very favorite author or signed copies inscribed to me personally. Thanks for the giveaway!

  42. I keep autographed books or if it has a special meaning . I like to pass on most books either to friends or donate to my local library for their bi-yearly sales.
    Follow you via e-mail Also GFC - Mary Brandis

  43. I keep books that I absolutely love.....others I pass on to family and friends who I think would enjoy them.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  44. GFC: BookAttict

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  45. I keep books that i cant put down and that are constant page turners. all others i usually give away.

  46. I am an email follower


  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I have a very hard time separating myself from my books but if I have to part with some I donate them to my local library.

  49. I follow you on GFC.

  50. I keep many many books..but I love to pass some on too. It's a keeper for me, if it's one I want/hope my kids will read, or if I think I'll read it again.

  51. I keep my best books because I like to read them again!


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